Project Management Research
I received a grant to provide a research experience to our undergraduate students. I selected two of my top operations/supply chain majors and trained them in writing literature reviews, collecting qualitative data, and developing models through an iterative approach. Part of the research experience involved travelling to rural India and collecting data from the field. The students also presented their work at IIT-Delhi and APICS (industry group). The work was then written up into a research paper. This paper is published in Operations Management Research (OMR) a B+ journal in our field. Lions Club International is interested in this research to manage their projects.
“Grey” Water Treatment Research Project
I taught a research methods class. In this class we had students from a wide variety of disciplines including mathematics. As part of this research class we developed models to treat “grey” water while simultaneously sequestering carbon and providing income to the rural poor in developing countries. The findings of this research were first presented at an international conference last December. The findings from this research project was subsequently published in International Journal of Energy Sector Management.