2018 Prasad, S., Sundarraj, R., Tata, J. Altay, N., Action-research-based Optimization Model for Healthcare Behavior Change in Rural India. International Journal of Production Research.
2017 Prasad, S., Jaffe, J., Bhattacharyya, K., & Tata J. Marshall D. Value supply chains at the Base of the Pyramid: studies of past and present textile networks. Forthcoming in Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
2017 Prasad, S., Woldt, J., Altay, N., Tata Application of Project Management to Disaster Resilience.Annals of Operations Research.
2016 Prasad, S., Zakaria, R., Altay, N. Big Data in Humanitarian Supply Chain Networks: A Resource Dependence Perspective, Annals of Operations Research.
2016 Tata, J., & Prasad, S. Being Accountable to Stakeholders: The Role Of Non-Governmental Social Responsibility Communications, Delhi Business Review, 16(1), 31-38.
2015 Tata, J., & Prasad, S. Immigrant Family Businesses: Social Capital, Network Benefits and Business Performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 21(6), 842-866.
2015 Tata, J., & Prasad, S. National cultural values, sustainability beliefs, and organizational initiatives. Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal, 22(2), 278-296.
2015 Tata, J., & Prasad, S. CSR Communication: An Impression Management Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 132(4), 765-778.
2015 Prasad, S., Su, H-C., Altay, N. Tata, J., Building Disaster-Resilient Micro-enterprises in the Developing World. Disasters, 39(3), 447-66.
2013 Blahnik, B., McGillivray, S., Prasad, S, Su, H-C. Energy Security for Rural Communities in the Developing World: The Role of Fetigated Bamboo Fencing, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 7(3), 364-382.
2013 Altay, N., Prasad, S., Tata, J, A Dynamic Model of Costing Disaster Mitigation Policies. Disasters, 37(3), 357-373.
2013 Prasad, S., Tata, J., Burkhardt, L, McCarthy, E. Developmental Project Management in Emerging Countries. Operations Management Research, 6(1-2), 53-73.
2012 Prasad, S. Jain, A., Tata, J., Parthan, S. From Rags to Riches: Tapping the Social Capital within the Solid Waste Informal Sector. South Asia Journal of Business and Management Cases, 1(2), 71-83.
2012 Prasad, S., Tata, J. Steve, X. Sustaining Small Businesses in the United States in Times of Recession: Role of Supply Networks and Social Capital. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 9(1), 8- 28.
2011 Prasad, S. Surviving Global Competition in Emerging Markets: Lean Options for Small Manufactures, International Journal of Manufacturing Excellence, 2(1), 11-19.
2011 Mishra, S., Vasudevan, P., Sharma, S., Prasad, S. Biofencing- an Ecofriendly Boundary Wall. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 70, 727- 731.
2011 Gosenpud, J., Srinivasan, R., Prasad, S., Operational management of water reclamation through fertigation, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 30, 732-736.
2010 Prasad, S., Tata, J. Micro-Enterprise Supply Chain Management in Developing Countries. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 7(1), 8 – 31
2010 Tata, J., & Prasad, S. National Culture, Social Capital, and Micro-Enterprise Success. International Journal of Business Environment, 3(1), 95-119.
2010 Tata, J., & Prasad, S. Ethnic Community Involvement, Entrepreneurial Social Capital, and Business Performance. Global Business and Economics Review, 12(1-2), 151-170.
2010 Tata, J. & Prasad, S. Micro-Credit Programmes, Social Capital, and Micro-Enterprise Performance. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 5(1), 31-45.
2010 Tata, J., & Prasad, S. Social Capital and Next-Generation Succession in The Family Firm. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11(3), 322-333.
2009 Prasad, S., Tata, J. Micro-enterprise Quality. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 26(3), 234-246.
2009 Prasad, S., Tata, J., Dougan, W., Munro, D. Operational Information Systems Task Efficiency and Synergy. International Journal of Electronic Governance. 2(2/3), 210-222.
2009 Gosen, J., Prasad, S. Creating Comparative Advantage for Micro-Enterprises through E-Governance. Journal of Electronic Governance. 2(2/3), 239-250.
2009 Altay, N., Prasad, S., Sounderpandian, J. Strategic Planning for International Disaster Relief Logistics: Implications for Research and Practice. International J of Services Sciences. 2(2), 142-161.
2008 Babbar, S., Addae, H. Gosen, J., Prasad, S, Organizational Factors Affecting Supply Chains in Developing Countries. International Journal of Commerce and Management. 18(3), 234-251.
2008 Tata, J. Prasad, S., Social capital, collaborative exchange and microenterprise performance: the role of gender, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 5(3/4), 373–388.
2008 Sounderpandian, J., Prasad, S., Madan, M. Supplies from Developing Countries: Optimal Order Quantities under Loss Risks. OMEGA, 36(1), 122-130.
2007 Hess, S., Prasad, S. Relative Treatment of Workers in Mexico Vs. China: Implications For Location Decisions, International Journal of Commerce and Management, 17(3), 183-193.
2007 Grznar, J, Prasad, S., Tata, J. Neural Networks and Organizational Systems: Modeling Non linear Relationships. European Journal of Operational Research, 181, 939-955.
2006 Prasad, S., Tata, J. A framework for information services: benchmarking for countries and companies, Benchmarking: An International Journal 13(3), 311-323.
2005 Prasad, S., Tata, J. Publication patterns concerning the role of teams/groups in the information systems literature from 1990 to 1999. Information & Management, 42(8), 1137-1148
2005 Prasad, S., Porter, D., Yu. L. Internet Typology: Implications for Market Returns. Mid-American Journal of Business, 22(2), 25-34.
2005 Gosen, J., Babbar, S Prasad, S. Quality, Technology, and Productivity Issues in Developing Countries. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 22(5), 452-464. May.
2005 Prasad, S., Tata, J., Madan, M. Build to Order Supply Chains in Developed and Developing Countries. Journal of Operations Management, 23, July 551-568.
2005 Mirchandani, D., Prasad, S., Tata, J. The Evolution of TQM: An Information Theory Perspective. TQM Magazine, 17(1), 54-66.
2003 Prasad, S., Tata, J. The Role of Socio-Cultural, Political-Legal, Economic, And Educational Dimensions in Quality Management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(5), 487-521.
2003 Prasad, S., Hasan, J. Specifications for Material Management Software: Implications for Research. International, Journal of Operations and Quantitative Methods, vol. 10, no. 1, 37-58.
2003 Tata, J, Prasad, S. Organizational Structure, Team Self-Management, and Judgements of Team Effectiveness, Journal of Managerial Studies, 16(2), 248-265. (Summer)
2003 Prasad, S., Sounderpandian, J. International Supply Chain Networks: Implications for E-commerce. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 8(3), pp. 241-250.
2001 Prasad, S., Tata, J., Motwani, J. International Supply Management: Learning and Evolving Networks. Global Institute of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Journal, 12(2), 31-36.
2001 Jongsuwanrak, W., Prasad, S., Babbar, S. Inventory Systems in a Newly Industrialized Country. Multinational Business Review, 8(2), 47-51.
2001 Motwani, J., Prasad, S., Babbar, S. Operations Management in Transitional Economies. International Journal of Technology Management, 21(5/6), 586-603.
2001 Prasad, S., Babbar, S., Motwani, J. International Operations Strategy: Current Efforts and Future Directions. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 21(5/6), 645-665.
2000 Prasad, S., Babbar, S., Tata, J. An Empirical Assessment of Instructional and Individual Research Productivity in International Operations Management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 20(12), 1392-1410.
2000 Prasad, S., Babbar, S. International Operations Management Research: Classification, Analysis, and Agenda. Journal of Operations Management, 18(2), 207-247.
2000 Prasad, S., Babbar, S., Calis, A. International Operations Management (IOM) and OM Research: Comparative Analysis. Omega, 28(1), 97-110.
2000 Tata, J., Prasad, S., Motwani, J. Benchmarking Quality Management Practices: U.S. versus Costa Rica. Multinational Business Review, 8(2), 37-42.
2000 Prasad, S., Tata, J. Information Investment in Supply Chain Management. Logistics Information Management, 13(1), 33-38.
2000 Tata, J., Prasad, S. A Model for the Effective Implementation of Quality Management Programs in International Operations. International Journal of Management, 17(2), 160-174.
2000 Prasad, S., Suh, M., Grznar, J., Lloyd, S., Hamburg, J., Booth, D.E. Fuzzy and Robust Neural Networks and Information System Process Control. Industrial Mathematics, 50(1), 5-31.
1999 Prasad, S., Calis, A. Application of Capability Indices to Material Balance Accounting. European Journal of Operational Research, 114(1), 93-104.
1999 Mansumitrchai, S., Minor, M., Prasad, S. Entry Strategies of US and Japanese Firms. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 9(3/4), 1-18.
1999 Tata, J., Prasad, S., Thorn, R. Organizational Structure and TQM Effectiveness. Journal of Managerial Studies, 11(4), 440-453.
1999 Prasad, S., Motwani, J., Tata, J. TQM Practices in Costa Rican Companies. Work Study, 48(7), 250-256.
1999 Faering, M., Prasad, S. Souring Strategies and Financial Performance. Logistics Information Management, 12(6), 451-459.
1999 Tata, J., Prasad, S., Babbar, S. Trends in International Quality Management in 1990s. Advances in Competitiveness Research, 7(1), 86-107.
1998 Pope, J., Prasad, S. Measurement of International Inventory Systems. Logistics Information Management, 11(6), 375-385.
1998 Tata, J., Prasad, S. Cultural and Structural Constraints on TQM Implementation. Total Quality Management, 9(8), 45-52.
1998 Babbar, S., Prasad, S. International Logistics and Inventory Management: An Assessment and Future Research. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 18(1), 6-36.
1998 Tata, J., Prasad, S. Quality Management Strategies at the US-Mexico Border. International Journal of Management, 15(2), 212-217.
1998 Prasad, S., Bramorski, T. Robust Process Capability Indices. OMEGA. 26(3), 425-438.
1997 Wright, C., Booth, D., Prasad, S.,Isenhour, T. A Joint Estimation Approach to Monitoring the Quality of Automobile Emissions. The American Chemist, 74(5), 17-22.
1996 Prasad, S., Tata, J., Thorn, R. Benchmarking Maquiladora Operations. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 13(9), 8-19.
1996 Prasad, S., Shah, V., Hasan, J. Intelligent Model Management System for Inventory Decision Support, OMEGA, 24(2), 153-166.
1995 Prasad, S., Booth, D., Hu, M., Deligonul, S. Monitoring Autocorrelated Production Processes, Industrial Mathematics, 45(2), 105-122.
1995 Prasad, S., Tyson, T. A Dynamic Model of Quality Cost Expenditure, Mid-American Journal of Business, 10(2), 13-18.
1995 Prasad, S., Booth, D., Hu, M., Deligonul, S. The Detection of Nuclear Materials Losses, Decision Sciences, 26(2), 265-281.
1995 Prasad, S., Booth, D., Hu, M. Monitoring the Quality of a Chemical Process Using the Joint Estimation Procedure, Journal of Chemical Information & Computer Sciences, 35(1), 53-58.
1994 Prasad, S., Classification of Inventory Models and Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 34(2), 209-222.
1994 Prasad, S., Tata, J. Identifying Treatment Effects in Univariate Time Series Using a Joint Estimation Procedure, Journal of Forecasting, 13(5), 449-461.
1993 Prasad, S., Monitoring Changes in a Plant’s Labor Productivity Index Using a Time Series Approach, International Journal of Quality and Reliability, 10(2), 31-41.