Nick Chambers
Industrial Management & Data Systems
1996, Vol. 96, No 4, 3-5
1) Beyond MRPII
- a) New systems address MRPII’s shortcomings
- i) Speed improvements
- b) Advanced Planning System (APS)
- i) Adjunct to MRPII systems
- ii) Speed of operations
(1) Seconds vs hours
iii) Uses data from MRPII systems
(1) Inventory
(2) Sales
- iv) Interactive tool
- v) Improve overall performance
2) Simulations
- a) Few MRPII systems have simulation capabilities
- b) APS can deliver scenario simulations in seconds
- c) Leads to more effective supply chain management
- d) Can be implemented along the entire chain
3) Benefits
- a) Tangible
- i) Improves schedule adherence
- ii) Better planning of materials and resources
iii) Reduces inventory
- iv) Reduces material obsolescence
- b) Intangible
- i) Ability to plan over longer-term
- ii) Enhanced visibility results in long-term relationships
iii) Enhanced visibility results in greater flexibility