Teaching is one of the most important duties of an academic, and goes beyond simply testing for content and FTEs. Over my 19 years I have consistently tried to create an experience that is inter-disciplinary in nature and requires students to solve real-world problems for regional businesses[1], Not-for-Profits[2] and developmental agencies[3]. This experience ranges in terms of developing models, writing student research papers that win national awards, undergraduate research (including taking students to India to collect data), and even executing projects. The students have perhaps recognized my efforts and I have received consistently high ratings at all levels (core, major, graduate core and graduate electives) and formats (on-line/in class). For example, my average rating over the last few years has been around 4.7 on a scale of 5.
[1] E.g. Tigre USA, DRS Technologies, Generac, Kerry, Innovation Center, JW Speaker, Delphi etc.
[2] E.g. Lion Club, Global Aid, India Pollution Control Association, Spread International.
[3] E.g. World Bank.