Fall 2011 Program
Midwest SWIP 2011 Fall Conference
November 4th-6th
Hosted by Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Friday, Nov 4th, Big Ten Room at Norris University Center:
6:00-7:00 Meet & Greet
7:00-7:50: What Latin American Feminism(s) Can Teach Latin American Philosophy
Stephanie Rivera-Berruz
8:00-8:50: Reclaiming the History of Philosophy: The Opportunities of Exclusion
Sarah Tyson
Saturday, Nov 5th, Big Ten Room at Norris University Center:
9:00-9:50: Feminists Who Do: Bridging Insight to Practice in Comprehensive Women’s Health Care
Jamie Ross
10:00-10:50: Feminist Advocacy Research, Relationality, and the Coloniality of Knowledge
Sarah Hoagland
11:00-11:50: Epistemic Border Crossing
Gaile Pohlhaus, Jr.
Lunch: 12:00-2:00
2:00-2:50: The Child-Like Woman and the Battered Woman: A Beauvoirean Analysis of Domestic Violence
Lisa Buckley
3:00-3:50: The Concept of Freedom
Jennifer Benson
4:00-4:50: Lipstick Signification and Written Flirtation: The Sexist Underbelly of Locke’s “The Abuse of Words”
Summer Renault-Steele
5-6 pm Business Meeting
Sunday, Nov 6th, Big Ten Room at Norris University Center:
A Man’s World: How Psychological Oppression in the Media and Education Perpetuate Gender Inequalities
Megan Kuhr
10:00-10:50: Reinventing Sex
Saray Ayala
11:00-11:50: Uses of Multimedia Representations in an Undergraduate Feminist Philosophy Course
Misty Deleon and Crista Lebens