Featured Resource: Elsevier Journals

Elsevier journals

There were some anxious moments this fall when we thought we might lose access to our 2,000+ Elsevier ScienceDirect journals. The publisher’s pricing model was changing and the subscription costs were increasing considerably for 2016.

So you’ll be pleased to know that Elsevier ScienceDirect is still available through Andersen Library. Given the high usage (more than 41,000 articles downloaded at UWW last year), our campus and UW System administration felt strongly that we needed to continue this subscription to support the research and teaching of the University.

Some eleventh hour negotiating and a generous contribution from the UW System administration will help us continue our subscriptions without interruption through 2020. The five-year deal still extends our journal access back to 1995 and actually gives us ownership of 23 Elsevier titles, including:

Seven other UW campuses were also able to get in on this deal. The ScienceDirect interface will remain the same and the suite of 2,000+ titles will be nearly identical. ScienceDirect includes 4 databases: Physical Sciences & Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences & Humanities

You may access ScienceDirect on the Library’s Articles & Databases page. And you’ll be able to search for articles through Research@UWW.

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New Stuff Tuesday – January 19, 2016

Women Crime Writers

Women Crime Writers:
Four Suspense Novels of the 1940s
edited by Sarah Weinman
PS648.C7 W66 2015
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

Women Crime Writers: Four Suspense Novels of the 1940s and its partner book Women Crime Writers: Four Suspense Novels of the 1950s bring back hardboiled fiction from the height of the noir era. Forerunners to contemporary “domestic suspense” novels, these stories explore the terrors of family life, personality disorders, horrors of the mind, confused sexual identity, and more. Each volume contains four novels by women from that decade:

  1. Laura by Vera Caspary
  2. The Horizontal Man by Helen Eustis
  3. In a Lonely Place by Dorothy B. Hughes
  4. The Blank Wall by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
  5. Mischief by Charlotte Armstrong
  6. The Blunderer by Patricia Highsmith
  7. Beast in View by Margaret Millar
  8. Fools’ Gold by Dolores Hitchens

The books have a companion website http://womencrime.loa.org that provides author biographies, appreciations of the works by well-known contemporary authors, a timeline, and more.

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Andersen Library’s MLK weekend hours, UWW MLK event (Jan 27)

On January 15th, in 1929, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, GA. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was designated a federal holiday in 1983. Many people and organizations use it as a day of service.

Andersen Library will be closed Sat. Jan. 16-Mon. Jan. 18 (Winterim ends this week, and Monday the 18th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Spring Semester hours will start on Tues., Jan. 19th, at 7:30 a.m.

Please plan ahead! Remember that even when the physical Library is closed, you can:

  • Search the article databases (login when prompted with your campus Net-ID, same as for your campus email or D2L),
  • Search for Andersen Library’s holdings of Books, Media and more (UW Whitewater) and use links to online titles, including ereserves for classes,
  • Renew checked-out books, DVDs, etc. through your Account,
  • Consult online guides for help, including citation guides for APA, MLA, and Turabian format, and course assignment guides, and
  • Ask a librarian for help using email or chat (UWW librarians respond to the emails when the Library is open, but chat is covered 24/7 by non-UWW staff).

You can learn more about this holiday online from the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change (aka “The King Center”) or the “Martin Luther King, Jr.” web page maintained by the National Park Service. In addition, UWW’s 30th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Event will take place on Wed., Jan. 27, at 3:30 p.m. in the UC Hamilton Room: Dr. Tiffany Prather, a UWW alumna who is a clinical psychologist for the U.S. Dept. of State, will talk about “A Reflection of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Vision.”

cover of Revolution of Conscience

Andersen Library has many resources for learning more about Dr. King, including videos such as Selma, audiobooks such as MLK: The Martin Luther King, Jr. tapes, featuring speeches given by Martin Luther King, Jr., books such as April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s death and how it changed America (online via ebrary) and Revolution of conscience: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the philosophy of nonviolence, articles such as “From the mountaintop: The changing political vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.” (The History Teacher, 1993, vol.27:no.1, pp.7-18), and many more resources.

Ask a librarian (visit the Reference Desk, call 262.472.1032, or choose to email or chat) for assistance with finding additional materials.

Andersen Library is a federal and Wisconsin depository library with federal and state government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!

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Welcome Back Book Sale

Winter is finally here, winterim is winding down, and spring semester will begin shortly. Along with these changes are one for the continuous book sale; a new crop of books has been put out for sale.

For the beginning of spring semester 2016 these include ones on a plethora of topics, including: adult and children’s literature, cooking, hobbies, nature, outdoors/recreation, pets, and a variety of books in foreign languages.

Come, peruse, and purchase for just $1 each.

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New Stuff Tuesday – January 12, 2016

Madness in Civilization

Madness in Civilization:
A Cultural History of Insanity, from the Bible to Freud, from the Madhouse to Modern Medicine
by Andrew Scull
RC438 .S39483 2015
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

Andrew Scull, a sociologist and historian of medicine, covers over 2,000 years of the history of mental illness. He writes about the definitions of madness and mental illness throughout various cultures, the treatments commonly used, and the rise of a professional class of people dedicated to treating those afflicted. This encyclopedic history also provides many art works, photographs, and other visual items that help illuminate his story.

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New Stuff Tuesday – January 5, 2016

The Smarter Screen

The Smarter Screen:
Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior
by Shlomo Benartzi, with Jonah Lehrer
HF5415.32 .B46 2015
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

When we buy online, do we make better or worse decisions? Shlomo Benartzi, a behavioral economist and professor at UCLA, explains how screens change our behavior as consumers. According to Benartzi, the internet has created a “scarcity of attention,” and only the retailers and service providers who know how to command that attention will thrive. The book discusses our visual biases, the impact of tailoring content to individuals, and more. I highly recommend this book, whether you’re interested in operating an online business or you just want to stop impulse buying sweaters online.

Also, check out Shlomo Benartzi’s 2011 TEDTalk on behavior and saving for retirement:

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Happy New Year

Happy holidays, everyone! Andersen Library is closed Thursday-Saturday, December 31-January 2. Online resources like ebooks and article databases, and the Ask a Librarian chat service, remain available if you need them (see the Break & Winterim Libary Hours blog post for links)! See you on Sunday, January 3 at noon!

And if you are looking for a different way to end the year, why not look for brightening effect of Monday’s solar coronal mass ejection (CME) on the aurora today, which may make the Northern Lights visible as far south as Illinois, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)? See the web page from Discovery News, “Sun Blasts Flare at Earth: New Year’s Eve Storm?” Also see NASA’s stunning images of the same thing happening in July 2015, “CME Arrival Results in Aurora Show.”

FDLP logo Andersen Library is a federal and Wisconsin depository library with federal and state government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!

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Wounded Knee massacre, 1890

It was 125 years ago, on December 29, 1890, that U.S. Army soldiers killed numerous Lakota Native Americans, including many women and children, near the Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. This is sometimes referred to as the last major event in the “Indian Wars” period. The Lakota were no longer living free, mostly confined to reservations and depending on the U.S. Government for support due to drought and crop failure. They had suffered war, diseases, loss of game and land, and reduced rations. The buffalo herds had been decimated. Any land found to have value was taken. Even the Black Hills, acknowledged as belonging to the Sioux by the Treaty of 1868, was coveted–and encroached upon–for gold, which, in addition to pressures for settlers and railroads, resulted in additional agreements that reduced the Sioux reservation land further. There had been many broken promises and treaties. The Ghost Dance, part of the spiritual vision of a Paiute “messiah” named Wovoka, had been adopted by some of the Lakota. In this vision, if Natives lived appropriately and performed the Ghost Dance, ‘whites’ and their effects would disappear from Native land; Native Americans’ ancestors would be resurrected; and the buffalo herds and other game would be restored. Because of concerns that the dancing might be a war dance leading to an uprising, reservation agents were ordered to stop it. Unable to do so, the recently-assigned and inexperienced agent at the Pine Ridge Reservation, Daniel Royer, sent a telegraph to Washington, D.C. on November 15 asking for military support:

Indians are dancing in the snow and are wild and crazy. I have fully informed you that employes and Government property at this agency have no protection and are at the mercy of these dancers. Why delay by further investigation? We need protection, and we need it now. The leaders should be arrested and confined in some military post until the matter is quieted, and this should be done at once.

Some of the newspaper coverage also supported fear of the Ghost Dance. Finally, several Army units were ordered to the area, the largest massing of soldiers since the Civil War. Chief Big Foot (aka Spotted Elk) was moving a group of less than 400 to the Pine Ridge agency, but the move was thought to be an attempt to join up with other hostile Natives by the Army. Army units surrounded them and sought to disarm them. After several weapons had been surrendered, a shot was fired, although it is not clear by whom, and it resulted in the massacre, which for some time was called a battle for which several soldiers received the Congressional Medal of Honor. Due to the placement of the Army units, the soldiers also injured or killed each other in crossfire. Those that saw the scene later found the bodies of women and children who had been fleeing and were chased down. In 1990, for the 100th anniversary, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution that expressed “deep regret” for the Wounded Knee massacre and supported the creation of a memorial.

cover of American Carnage bookYou can learn much more, and Andersen Library can help. Read books such as American carnage: Wounded Knee, 1890 (3rd-floor Main Collection, E83.89 .G74 2014) and Wovoka and the ghost dance (3rd-floor Main Collection, E99.P2 W617 1997). The Annual report of the commissioner of Indian affairs, for the year 1891 (volume 1) is available online, and in addition to the section “Reports of agents in Wisconsin, pp. 463-475”, read “The ‘Messiah Craze,’ pages 123-127” and pages 127-145 for more about the “Troubles Among the Sioux.” Read articles such as “Wounded Knee: Healing the Wounds of the Past” (Indian Country, December 29, 2015), “In memory of the Chief Big Foot massacre: The Wounded Knee survivors and the politics of memory” (Western Historical Quarterly, 2015, vol.46:no.1, pp.31-51), and “The evolution of a massacre in newspaper depictions of the Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee, 1876-1891” (Atlanta Review of Journalism History, 2015, vol.12, pp.38-64).

Please ask a librarian (via email, chat, phone 262.472.1032 or visit the Reference Desk) for assistance with finding materials.

FDLP logo Andersen Library is a federal and Wisconsin depository library with federal and state government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!

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Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Thesauri! Oh, My!

Did you know that the Oxford English dictionary updates four times a year? Yes way!  Find out what was added in December 2015 here –http://public.oed.com/the-oed-today/recent-updates-to-the-oed/december-2015-update/new-words-notes-december-2015/

There are many dictionaries, encyclopedias, and thesauri available to you at UW-Whitewater. For a complete list, visit our guide at http://libguides.uww.edu/dictionaries. Access to many of the resources listed are restricted to UW-Whitewater students, faculty, and staff only. For a few free resources available to all, see below.

Dictionaries –

Encyclopedias –

  • Encyclopedia.com – http://www.encyclopedia.com

Thesauri –


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New Stuff Tuesday – December 29, 2015

Lombardi Dies, Orr Flies, Marshall Cries

Lombardi Dies, Orr Flies, Marshall Cries:
The Sports Legacy of 1970
by Brad Schultz
GV583 .S38 2016
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

With this solidly researched work, veteran sports journalist Brad Schultz deftly weaves together sports history, political history, and social issues, appealing to readers of wide interests. He identifies 1970 as a defining year in sports, including stories such as Vince Lombardi’s death; Bobby Orr’s Stanley Cup winning goal; and the tragic plane crash that killed 36 of the Marshall football team along with coaching staff and boosters. He provides the details in its historical and social context for each event. Organized chronologically, a chapter for each month, Schultz highlights a wide variety of sports events and themes. He discusses Jerry Smith, the first openly gay retired NFL player. While Smith achieved career numbers that compare favorably to players who have made the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Schultz wonders what life would have been like if he had come out during his NFL days. Even the debate over hair length and facial hair earns attention. Fueled by the 1960’s counterculture movements and rebellious college and professional athletes, the notion that athletes with short hair were somehow more disciplined and would win more championships fades when teams with the likes of fumanchu-sporting Joe Namath prove as capable as their clean cut competitors.

Some stories tell as much about the spectators as the athletes. 65-year-old Karl Wallenda’s tight wire walk across the Tallulah Falls in Georgia, is watched by 35,000 paying spectators. The South African golfer, Gary Player, endured constant heckling for the country he represented, and endured harassment long after calling for the Masters to open up to blacks and taking quiet action to support equal access to professional competition. Brazil’s 1970 World Cup performance with Pel at the head of the class, and his subsequent work with the NY Cosmos while it may not have had a lasting impact on professional soccer and its spectatorship in the United States, but Schultz contends that it did inspire a new generation of kids to play the game. Schultz’ successfully makes this an engaging read for those interested in overarching themes of the time period and for sports readers alike.

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