Pathway for Success: Rest Stop- Paint N’ Chill

Yesterday, October 18th, the Andersen Library partnered with Pathway for Success and the Student Art Association to host “Rest Stop”, an event designed to give students an opportunity to relax in the wake of midterms. With activities such as ‘Paint and Chill’ and ‘Make a Stress Ball’, students were able to follow their inspiration, painting canvases, soothing the mind as they socialized, while creating a stress ball to relieve stress for the weeks to come.

Although Pathway for Success is an organization that predominately focuses its efforts on students undergoing the first year of their degree program, this event was attended by students at all stages of their educational journey. With over 50 people in attendance, the Andersen Library is excited to continue to create events that are beneficial for its students.

Interested in what’s to come? Visit our events page here or follow us on social media.

Check out some pics from “Rest Stop” below!


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Learn about political polling

Dr. Louis Fucilla, Political Science Dept., will talk about political polling on Thurs, Oct 18, at 6:30pm in the City Council chambers in Whitewater’s city hall (312 W Whitewater St). It’s the League of Women Voters® of the Whitewater Area‘s November program, but it’s open to all!

You can check out some of the latest polls at Real Clear Politics,, FiveThirtyEight, or the Marquette Law School Poll. Andersen Library provides access to a public opinion database Polling the Nations, and the Library also is having a trial of the Roper Center’s iPOLL database (the trial runs until November 15, 2018). Try it out!

You can learn more about political polling and voting behavior with many articles in Andersen Library’s databases, such as “On public opinion polls and voters’ turnout” (Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2018, vol.20:no.2, pp.239-256, doi:10.1111/jpet.12274) and “Using Wikipedia to Predict Election Outcomes” (Public Opinion Quarterly, 2017, vol.81:no.3, pp.714-735, doi:10.1093/poq/nfx007) that advocates supplementing poll data with online information-seeking behavior to improve election forecasting accuracy.

Please ask a librarian (choose chat or email, phone 262-472-1032, or visit the Reference Desk) if you’d like assistance with finding materials.

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New Stuff Tuesday — Oct. 16, 2018

book cover for Aerial Geology

Aerial Geology
by Mary Caperton Morton

QE71 .M67 2017 New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor

This book is simply beautiful and a wonderful getaway from ordinary life! Short of getting my own pilot’s license (unlikely) or winning the lottery (impossible as I don’t play) I will probably never see these perspectives in person, but this book provides a fantastic peek into the world as seen from a low-altitude plane.

Based on the cover, one would expect the jaw-dropping aerial vistas of such natural wonders as the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, the Oregon coastline, and Death Valley, and it doesn’t disappoint. I also rejoiced to see a few things from my old stomping grounds, usually dismissed as flyover country, made the list — the surprisingly lush Nebraska Sandhills, and the bizarre Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. (Wisconsin made the book in the form of our Great Lakes.) But more satisfying, for me, were the glimpses into lesser-known and far-less-accessible wonders, such as two lakes in northern Quebec, the perfectly circular crater-turned-lake, Pingualuit Crater, or the odd coffee-ring-shaped Lake Manicouagan; or to go south, the Palo Duro Canyon that looks every bit as beautiful as the big one in Arizona.

It also makes me want to check out the similarly-beautiful oversize books by Michael Collier in our collection, focusing on mountains, coastlines, and rivers. Happy virtual flying!


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New Library Layout


As many may have noticed Andersen Library received a pretty significant makeover over the summer! In an effort to gain patron feedback on the new layout, a ‘suggestion-board’ was made available at the beginning of the Fall 2018 semester.

After compiling an entire weeks-worth of content from library-goers we were happy to see the numerous positive responses to the changes, as well as compelling suggestions in regard to what patrons would like to see in the future that would continue to make the Andersen Library a comfortable environment for students to learn, engage, and achieve their academic goals.

Below are just a few of many positive comments of “What’s to like?” about the new layout and suggestions for “What’s next?”. Check it out!

What’s to like?
“Love the openness!”
“Less distractions”
“Open space is relaxing”
“Easy access to outlets”
“Such a welcoming environment!”
“Makes you want to curl up with a good book”
“Love the new carpet”
“Great studying environment”
“More room for more fun”
“I love the new area for therapy dogs”

What’s next?
“More group study rooms”
“USB outlets”
“More art on the walls”
“Gender neutral bathrooms”
“Make Archives and Area Research more noticeable”
“More therapy dog sessions”


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Observatory Star Party and Open House

The UW-Whitewater Observatory‘s telescopes will be open (weather permitting) from 7-9:30pm on both on Fri., Oct. 12, and Sat., Oct. 13. Come to see planets, star clusters, and nebulae with Dr. Juliana Constantinescu from the Physics Dept.! If the weather is uncooperative, there will be tours of the big telescope to show how it operates, even if the dome has to stay closed. This family-friendly event is part of the state-wide Wisconsin Science Festival.

There will be examples of how astronomers break light up into a rainbow spectrum to learn about the chemical composition of stars and nebulae. Computers will be set up to look at data from modern telescopes on a “citizen science” website set up by Dr. Bob Benjamin.

Free parking closest to the observatory: Lot 2 (203 N. Prince Street, Whitewater)

You can learn more, before or after the event! There are websites, such as the education page of the U.S.-funded Virtual Astronomical Observatory and the WorldWide Telescope of the American Astronomical Society. UW-Whitewater students and staff can read articles from Sky & Telescope, a magazine for “the knowledgeable amateur astronomer” via several EBSCOhost databases, including Academic Search Complete. Other Wisconsin residents can access it through EBSCO databases provided statewide via Badgerlink, such as MasterFILE Complete. Andersen Library also has books, such as Nightwatch: A practical guide to viewing the universe (3rd-Floor Main Collection, QB64 .D535 1998; preview of some text at Google Books).

Please ask a librarian (choose chat or email, phone 262-472-1032, or visit the Reference Desk) if you’d like assistance with finding materials.

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New Stuff Tuesday – October 9

The good neighbor: the life and work of Fred Rogers

The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers
by Maxwell King
PN1992.4.R56 K56 2018 New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor

If you need a break from the current shrill pitch of news and social media, why not tone things down with the calming voice of Fred Rogers?  King’s biography of opens the door to Mister Rogers life off the set of his television neighborhood, sharing less well-known details of his life and career as television host, producer, minister, educational consultant, and writer.



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Flashback Friday: Banned Books Week


Happy Banned Books Week! For those who may be unfamiliar, Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Established in 1982, “Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular,” according to the coalition’s website.

For us here at the Andersen Library, that means emphasizing our support of your right to access information freely and increase student awareness of censorship efforts still being made in libraries and schools.

In celebration and solidarity, we have created a display containing just a few of the many stories that have been banned or challenged at some point in time- including books as renowned as The Hunger Games, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Be sure to follow the link below to check out the American Library Association’s ‘Top Ten Most Challenged Books Lists’ to see if any of your favorite literary works are included.
Top Ten Most Challenged Book Lists

Check out some photos of last weeks Banned Books Display:


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New Stuff Tuesday – October 2, 2018

God is No Thing

God is No Thing: Coherent Christianity
by Rupert Shortt
BT1103 .S54 2016
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor

When I was in junior high, we had a day when parents came to our class and talked about whatever was on their minds. One of our neighbors, who was a philosophy professor at the university in our town, talked about arguments for the existence of God. I couldn’t have been more surprised. Until then I thought belief in God was a matter of faith: you either believed or you didn’t. He didn’t give a hint about which side of the fence he was on. And I was pretty sure he wasn’t religious in any traditional sense. The whole family smoked pot: parents and kids (this was the 70s), and from all appearances, they were pretty secular. But the fact that such arguments existed, and that he could explain them coherently to seventh-graders, was eye-opening for me.

In a recent issue of Times Literary Supplement, I came across an essay by Rupert Shortt, the Religion Editor. He’s written a tiny, but cogent volume which counters many of the arguments put forth by New Atheists of which Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens are probably the best known.

As Western culture becomes more secular, a stance of faith may be frowned upon, especially in academic circles. But there are other well-reasoned voices out there, so in the spirit of fair play and intellectual honesty, we will give them some airtime.

Research@UWW is a good place to start if you are interested in exploring topics of religion, faith, or belief.

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October ’18 Book Sale

This October we have for sale a potpourri of books and educational games, all for the low, low cost of $1 each. Remember, the price goes down even lower to just $.25 each on the 25th of the month.

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Mighty Oaks presentation

event flyer
Dr. Daniel Carter, an environmental planner with the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), will talk about “Mighty Oaks and their Ecosystems in the Southern Kettle Moraine” at 6:30 p.m. on Mon., Oct. 1 at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library (Whitewater’s public library at 431 W. Center St., Whitewater).

If you’d like to learn more before or after you go, Andersen Library may be able to help you find resources such as the oak habitat description that is part of the Wisconsin All-Bird Conservation Plan, “Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape” (chapter 18 of The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin), “Wisconsin’s Forest Resources” (2017), and “A 200-year Fire History in a Remnant Oak Savanna in Southeastern Wisconsin” (American Midland Naturalist, 2004, vol.152:no.2, pp.201-213).

Please ask a librarian (choose chat or email, phone 262-472-1032, or visit the Reference Desk) if you’d like assistance with finding materials.

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