Amy Goldstein, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, will talk about her first book “Janesville – An American Story” on Mon., Oct. 22, at 7pm in the Irvin L Young Auditorium. It’s part of the Contemporary Issues Lecture Series.
Andersen Library has a couple of copies of the book (3rd-floor Main Collection and 1st-floor Special Collections, HC108.J36 G65 2017 ), and other UW campus libraries have copies UWW students and staff can request (requested items usually aarrive in 2-5 weekdays). You can preview some pages via Google Books.
If you are inspired to learn more, Andersen Library can help. There are online resources, such as Janesville’s Economy at a glance from the U.S. Dept. of Labor Statistics, the city’s “Economic Development in Janesville, WI” website, and the Pew Research Center Report “America’s shrinking middle class: A close look at changes within metropolitan areas” (2016). There are articles such as Amy Goldstein’s “What is Janesville, Wisconsin, without General Motors?” (The Atlantic, 2017, Apr. 18), “An initial study of the economic impact of General Motors pension benefits on the Greater Anderson, Indiana, community” (Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 2013, vol.16:no.2, pp.45–54), “What happens if pensions disappear? A case analysis” (Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 2015, vol.18, pp.77–87), and “A retrospective look at rescuing and restructuring General Motors and Chrysler” (Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2015, vol.29:no.2, p.3-24). You also can find articles written by Ms. Goldstein in databases such as ProQuest Global Newsstream, e.g., “Rare agreement: Obama, Romney, Ryan all endorse retraining for jobless-But are they right?,” “Inside the Janesville data” (ProPublica, 2012, Oct 10) and “Is job retraining the magic bullet?” (The Washington Post, 2012, Oct 21).
Please ask a librarian (choose chat or email, phone 262-472-1032, or visit the Reference Desk) if you’d like assistance with finding materials.
Andersen Library is a federal depository library with federal government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!