Immigration: policy & attitudes, women & families

Cathi Tactaquin, Executive Director and co-founder of National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, will talk about “The effects of immigration policy and attitudes on women and families” on Wed., Oct. 29, 11am-12:15pm in UC275. It’s part of the Women & Gender Cultural Series.

cover of National InsecuritiesYou can learn more by searching Library databases to find resources such as “DREAMers and their families: A family impact analysis of the DREAM Act and implications for family well-being (Journal of Family Studies, 2014, vol.20:no.1, pp.79-87, doi:10.5172/jfs.2014.20.1.79), How comprehensive immigration reform should address the needs of women and families: Hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate (online or 2nd-floor Federal Documents Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.113-45), Immigration and women: Understanding the American experience (ebook), “Do attitudes about immigration predict willingness to admit individual immigrants?” (Public Opinion Quarterly, 2013, vol.77:no.3, pp.641-665, doi:10.1093/poq/nft024), and National insecurities: Immigrants and U.S. deportation policy since 1882 (3rd-floor Main Collection, JV6483 .M645 2012).

Please ask a librarian if you’d appreciate assistance with finding additional materials.

Andersen Library is a federal and Wisconsin depository library with federal and state government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!

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2014 Chancellor’s Regional Literary Award

The 2014 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Chancellor’s Regional Literary Award will be given to Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer Deborah Blum, who also is Helen Firstbrook Franklin Professor of Journalism at UW-Madison. On Monday, October 27, Ms. Blum will provide a reading and book signing from 7-9 pm in the University Center’s Summers Auditorium.

cover of The Poisoner's HandbookAmong her books are several that are available from Andersen Library: The poisoner’s handbook: Murder and the birth of forensic medicine in Jazz Age New York, Ghost hunters: William James and the search for scientific proof of life after death, The monkey wars, and Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the science of affection. If Andersen Library’s copies are checked out, UW-Whitewater students and staff may request that copies from other UW campus libraries be sent here by using the free UB Request service. Search Andersen Library’s holdings through Research@UWW’s Books, Media and more (UW Whitewater). Search and request titles from other UW’s through the “Books, Media and more (UW System)” segment of Research@UWW.

Please ask a librarian if you’d appreciate assistance with finding additional materials.

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Money Mondays: The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve, also called the Fed, is the central banking system in the United States. The Fed is responsible for printing national currency, issuing savings bonds and Treasury bills, regulating domestic and foreign member banks, and engaging in monetary policymaking, an activity undertaken by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Federal Reserve has been around since December 23, 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was enacted. According to the Federal Reserve System website, the primary goals of the Act were to:

Federal Reserve

  • Maximize employment
  • Stabilize prices
  • Moderate long-term interest rates

There are twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks that are part of the Federal Reserve System. These banks are located in major cities, such as New York, St. Louis, Chicago, and San Francisco. Most of Wisconsin is served by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

One example of policy created by the Fed is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which makes it makes it illegal for ‘‘any creditor to discriminate against any applicant with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction (1) on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or marital status, or age (provided the applicant has the capacity to con­tract); (2) because all or part of the applicant’s income derives from any public assistance pro­gram; or (3) because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act,” as well as many other acts. More recently, the Fed bought large amounts of debt during what is now known as the Great Recession of 2008 (often referred to as a “bailout”) and introduced an economic stimulus package to help the economy recover.

You can find the Federal Reserve’s economic data using the FRED website. Historical data can be found on the Fed’s FRASER website.

To learn more about the Federal Reserve, check out the following resources:

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United Nations Day

UN logoHappy birthday, UN! Friday, October 24, is United Nations Day, the anniversary of the UN Charter creating this body going into effect. The Secretary-General issues a statement every year in honor of this anniversary. How will you celebrate?

Learn more about the UN from its “UN at a glance” web page, or use resources from Andersen Library! Search “Books, Media, and more (UW Whitewater)” for Library holdings such as the books The United Nations system: A reference handbook (2006, online), Interventions: A life in war and peace (2012, 2nd-floor Browsing Books D839.7.A56 A3 2012), Human rights at the UN: The political history of universal justice (2008, online), and Preventive diplomacy at the UN (2008, online).

Watch UN Web TV! You can see featured videos like “The UN Turns 70,” “Africa is Rising,” or “United Nations: Protecting our Planet.” There also is a schedule of live UN meetings that you can view.

Search databases for articles such as “The United Nations Global Compact: An institutionalist perspective” (Journal of Business Ethics, 2014, vol.122:no.2, pp.217-223) and “United Nations peacekeeping and civilian protection in civil war” (American Journal of Political Science, 2013, vol.57:no.4, pp.875-891).

Please ask a librarian for assistance with finding materials.

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Featured Resource & T3: Citation Managers


For many students, creating and editing citation lists are the dreaded last tasks of a writing project. Have you decided to improve the way you manage your research citations? Librarians can help you set up a system that turns them from a dreadful chore into an easier and helpful step in the research process.

The Library provides support for two citation managers: EndNote Basic (also referred to as EndNote Web) and Zotero. These citation managers allow you to organize your references and create bibliographies at the touch of a button. They’ll even help you easily store your PDFs in a logical manner!

Contact Ellen Latorraca (EndNote guru) or Diana Shull (Zotero evangelist) if you want to set up an individual appointment or small-group workshop. Ellen also has a list of scheduled workshops available at

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New Stuff Tuesday – October 22, 2014

“K'Nex Introduction to Structures: Bridges

Introduction to Structures
by K’NEX Education
TH165 .B6 2013
Teaching Tools, Curriculum Collection, 2nd floor

Are you looking for resources to use in your lesson planning for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) concepts?
Do you feel inspired to reconnect with your Lego or Lincoln Log past?
If you answered yes! to either A or B, then don’t overlook new stuff in the Teaching Tools collection which is located on the 2nd floor of Andersen Library.

One of the most recent additions is the K’NEX Education Introduction to Structures: Bridges set. The set includes building instructions, enough parts to build 13 fully-functioning replicas of real-world structures, and a teacher’s guide aligned to national education standards and Common Core Mathematics. Other useful tools for addressing similar concepts, also available in the collection, are GoldieBlox. If you are looking for more kits to introduce students to design, geometry, and strength of bridges and other structures, browse the Teaching Tools collection online  or visit the Children’s Collections area.

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Looking for Images?

Sparklers, by Kelley Bozarth

Are you looking for images to use in your upcoming presentation? In order to avoid violating copyright, check out some of the websites below. Each site includes images that you can use without breaking copyright laws. Some of the images have something called a Creative Commons license. These licenses allow you to use an image for free but can specify different things, such as the requirement to give credit to the creator of the image or the prohibition of altering the work in some way. Even if you do not see a Creative Commons license, it is always a good idea to give credit to the person who created the image. (By the way, the photo in this post is by Kelley Bozarth from Unsplash.)

  • Google Advanced Image Search: We all use Google when we’re looking for information. By using the Advanced Image Search, you can make sure you’re finding images intended to be used and shared by changing the Usage Rights option to meet your needs.
  • Flickr Advanced Search: Flickr is a great source for finding images. When using their advanced search, just click the checkbox next to Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content in order to find images for your assignment.
  • morgueFile: “morgueFile contains photographs freely contributed by many artists to be used in creative projects by visitors to the site.” The site simply asks that you give credit to the photographer who took the photo.
  • WorldImages: This site, from California State University, contains over 10,000 images from all over the world. The images are for non-profit educational purposes, and they ask that you give credit to those who created the images.
  • Imagebase: “ is a collection of photos, mostly taken by David Niblack, that can be freely used for personal, commercial, non-profit, artistic, or creative purposes.”
  • Unsplash: Looking for something a little more artsy? Unsplash posts 10 totally free photos every 10 days.
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Money Mondays: Competition

A few weeks ago we talked about supply and demand, and how there is an ideal equilibrium between the two. This equilibrium exists because of competition in the marketplace. According to Investopedia, “Under perfect competition, there are many buyers and sellers, and prices reflect supply and demand. Also, consumers have many substitutes if the good or service they wish to buy becomes too expensive or its quality begins to fall short. New firms can easily enter the market, generating additional competition. Companies earn just enough profit to stay in business and no more, because if they were to earn excess profits, other companies would enter the market and drive profits back down to the bare minimum.”

Adam Smith

Perfect competition doesn’t exist in reality, but in most industries companies are affected by other companies’ products and pricing. This is largely because each firm (and each individual) is primarily concerned for its own interests. Adam Smith describes this self-interest as an “invisible hand” in his book Wealth of Nations (available at Andersen Library). The concept of the invisible hand “[assumes] that individuals try to maximize their own good (and become wealthier), and by doing so, through trade and entrepreneurship, society as a whole is better off” (Investopedia).

There are situations that undermine competition and the invisible hand. You may have heard people discuss types of imperfect competition, such as monopolies or oligopolies. Imperfect competition is often regulated by the government because it can be damaging to the economic well-being of a country. One example of such legislation is the Sherman Antitrust Act, passed in 1890 to limit monopolies. Recently, people have been debating whether or not the Comcast/Time Warner deal should be considered a monopoly because they are the two largest companies in their industry. The problem with monopolies is that they give one company significant power over the market, allowing them to inflate prices. Meanwhile, other companies are discouraged from entering the market. This undermines competition and can harm the economy.

If you’re interested in learning more about competition, listen to this podcast from Econ Lowdown.

Also, check out these books available at Andersen Library:

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Maker Monday – Piggy banks and Money Management

Andersen Library welcomes financial specialist to educate students on money management on Monday, October 20. Denise Kaminski, of UW Credit Union, is slated to present 3:30 – 4:00 pm.  Crafting event to follow.


Kaminski aims to educate UW-Whitewater students regarding not only saving money in college, but learning how to use it wisely.

Following the presentation, a craft session will be available to the first 24 students who show up to the event. These students will have the opportunity to decorate their own piggy-bank or cow-bank with supplies provided. After completion of the project, artists will be able to take their masterpieces home!

This event is just another addition to Andersen Library’s “Maker Monday” series. It is first come, first served and will be located over by the big screen TV on the main floor of the Library.

For any questions or accommodations requests please contact Rebecca Jones at

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Friday Fun: Pew Quizzes

image of question markTime for some Friday Fun! Take these fun, short, and grade-free quizzes from the Pew Research Center that will allow you to see how your opinions and knowledge compare to others’ responses: in News IQ, Millennialism, Science Knowledge, etc.

Good luck!

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