Tag Archives: government info

Comets: Multimedia Event 2/20

The UW-W Physics Dept.’s first 2009 Observatory Public Lecture will be Dr. Paul Rybski’s one-hour multimedia presentation “Comets and the International Year of Astronomy” (Fri., Feb. 20th, 8 pm, Upham 141), followed by (weather permitting) a public viewing session at … Continue reading

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Yes, the U.S. gov’t blogs & tweets

I have talked about specific federal government blogs before: Gov Gab, Dipnote (State Dept.), and Evolution of Security (Transportation Security Admin.), but the list of government blogs is longer than the last time I checked, and now includes several military … Continue reading

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Tax Forms: Get ’em online

The University Library does not get print copies of tax forms for people to pick up, but the state and federal forms are available online: The IRS web site provides federal forms and instructions, along with information about filing electronically. … Continue reading

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Economic Report of the President

The 2009 Economic Report of the President has been submitted to Congress and may be read in its entirety online. This annual report, written by the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, overviews the nation’s economic progress and provides … Continue reading

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Winter travel

Plan to drive safely this winter! Look up weather ahead of time. Check road conditions ahead of time. The Wis. Dept. of Transportation’s Driving Conditions web site provides a map showing conditions on interstates and other major highways in Wisconsin, … Continue reading

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Tracking the President-Elect’s Actions

OK, the election is over, and between now and Inauguration Day (January 20th, 2009) President-Elect Barack Obama has a lot of work to do and decisions to make before assuming his duties as our 44th President. You can track his … Continue reading

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Digital TV, anyone?

OK, you probably don’t have time to waste watching TV during the academic year, but if there are others in your household who do, and you are a holdout like me (too frugal to pay for cable, a dish, or … Continue reading

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“From 1947 to 1961, your ability to work in Hollywood’s motion picture industry strictly depended on whether or not your name appeared on a list of suspected Communist activists or sympathizers. The blacklist.“ — SAG and the Motion Picture Blacklist … Continue reading

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Ocean monitoring

Last week I blogged about the International Year of the Earth and noted that one of the Year’s themes is oceans. Well, there are plenty of reasons to be concerned about our oceans and how they are faring, including their … Continue reading

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International Year of Planet Earth

International Year of Planet Earth, jointly initiated by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), has political support from 191 countries and partnerships with many organizations. The “year” runs January 2007 … Continue reading

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