Tag Archives: fun stuff

Friday Fun: WTMJ-TV News Search

The UW-Milwaukee Libraries’ Archives, with support from WTMJ-TV and the Wisconsin Historical Society, recently launched WTMJ-TV News Search, “a catalog of nearly 50,000 news stories broadcast from 1950 to 1980 by WTMJ-TV, an NBC-affiliated station located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Stories … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Origami

Here’s some Friday Fun: Origami! This was inspired by photos of origami creations by Wenche Lise Fossland of Norway on Instagram. Andersen Library has resources to get you started! Search Research@UWW for the Library’s book holdings to find Origami step … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Optical Illusions

Ah, Friday before Spring Break! And here’s a little fun that’s not of the beach variety. Optical illusions are fun and interesting, right? Look at the recent furor over “The [infamous] Dress!” Was it black and blue? Was it white … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Piano Staircases & Making Healthy Choices Fun

Oh, how I wish we had one of these around here! A piano staircase was installed in Odenplan plaza in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2009 as part of a competition to encourage healthy choices by making them more fun. 66% more … Continue reading

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International Education Week

The first week of March is International Education Week! There are several events planned on campus, including Celebrating Indigenous Nations on Mon., Mar. 2nd, from 4-6pm in the UC Hamilton Room, the International Education Week’s Opening Reception sponsored by the … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Yodeling!

Friday fun: Yodeling with Annette Funicello from Adventure in Dairyland, which was filmed in Wisconsin and aired on television as part of The Mickey Mouse Club show! Thank you, Becky, for bringing this to my attention. [youtube]http://youtu.be/kApDKLzt0QA[/youtube] Believe it or … Continue reading

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Science in television and movies

The UWW Chem Club is sponsoring a free live webinar “Chemistry on the Silver Screen” on Tues., Feb. 24, at 5:45 p.m. in Upham room 140. The webinar will feature science advisors to Breaking Bad and other entertainment like the … Continue reading

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UW-W History alumna’s article in Wisconsin Magazine of History

The Wisconsin Magazine of History‘s Winter 2014-2015 issue features the article “The farm at Ten Chimneys: A closer look at the home of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne” (pp.38-49), written by Erika Laabs, who received her bachelor’s degree in history … Continue reading

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Global Cafe – Scotland, Spain, and Jamaica

Would you like to know more about Scotland, Spain, and Jamaica? You’re in luck! There’s a Global CafĂ© on Wed., Feb. 18, from 5-6 p.m. in the Old Main Ballroom (UC 275A). Presentations at Global Cafes are given by international, … Continue reading

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Dog Days in Andersen Library

Oh, those lovely pet therapy dogs who visit us in Andersen Library, always happy to see us. When can we see them again? Here’s a list of the days we expect to have dogs in Andersen Library (in front of … Continue reading

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