Tag Archives: fun stuff

“Death”-ly fun summer reading

Strangers in Death by J.D. Robb MCN Rob McNaughton Collection, 2nd floor For some fun, “light,” non-mind-expanding summer reading, try a book from what I call the “death series” by J.D. Robb, aka Nora Roberts. The series starts with Naked … Continue reading

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Even More Wikipedias

Back in May 2007, I wrote a post about alternatives to Wikipedia (view original post), one of which was a serious contender to the ever-popular, user-generated/edited encyclopedia and the other being a spoof. Since it’s Friday, Wired Magazine found even … Continue reading

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Saying things nicely

Have you ever struggled to say something and wanted to put it nicely? Or, have you ever wondered about the euphemisms you’ve heard? Well, R.W. Holder’s How not to say what you mean : a dictionary of euphemisms (2nd-floor Reference … Continue reading

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Friday Library Music Video

Here, for your Friday enjoyment, a music video in honor of the noble librarian…thank goodness for YouTube! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB4HvVEMFig[/youtube]

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iGoogle, do you?

iGoogle has become a part of my daily life, and I can blame one of my coworkers. No, it’s not just searching Google I’m talking about! With a free Google account (you already have one if you use Gmail) you … Continue reading

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Hooked on Shelving Worked For Me!

Library of Congress (LC) classification can be a little confusing. With the mix of letters and numbers that really only mean something to librarians, getting a book off the shelf for the first (or sixteenth) time may be a challenge. … Continue reading

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You Read?

It’s Friday! It’s pretty slow around here, but the blog migration to WordPress (which is fantastic, by the way) is keeping me busy. That doesn’t mean there’s no time for fun. Get this – this guy read an entire book! … Continue reading

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Snowflakes at the Library

I’m not sure how everyone feels about the ridiculous amount of frozen precipitation that we’ve gotten already this winter, but did you see the size of the snowflakes falling down last night? They were HUGE. Conveniently enough, we also had … Continue reading

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What a Beaut!

It’s Friday! Time for fun and procrastination! Check out Librophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries for a journey around the world of amazing places with lots of books. Some people may argue that librarians would be the only … Continue reading

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Matt, I’ve Got Another Excuse

Whitewater’s very own Matt Scott is featured in a Nike commercial set to air next week. He’s an excellent representative of the University and of wheelchair athletics. In case you haven’t seen the commercial, check it out below. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obdd31Q9PqA[/youtube] Matt, … Continue reading

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