Tag Archives: fun stuff

Friday Fun: John Cage and 4:33

When I was a young music ed major, I remember learning about John Cage and his silent piece “4:33.” You can see an excerpt of John Cage performing this work via the WGBH Media Library and Archives’ Open Vault! Search … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday–December 17, 2013

Ice Cold (audio recording) by Tess Gerritsen PS3557.E687 I283 2013 New Arrivals, 2nd floor Got a long drive ahead of you as you take off for break? How about checking out an audiobook from the Library to entertain yourself as … Continue reading

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Color me stress-free!

Stressing a bit? I know, I know, the end of the semester is rushing toward us and there is too much to get done. Aiieee!!!! Release that nasty stress! There are crayons and coloring pages available near the Circulation Desk … Continue reading

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Monday Musing: Reader’s Digest

As I was walking through Periodicals and letting my eye browse the current issues, I was stopped by the cover of Reader’s Digest‘s November 2013 issue: “Are you normal or nuts?” it asks. Well, of course I’d like to know. … Continue reading

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Celebrate faculty & staff scholarly and creative achievements

A sampling of the articles, artwork, books, photos, compositions, and conference presentations produced by over 80 of UWW’s staff and faculty during the period July 2011-June 2012 will be displayed in the Crossman Gallery (Greenhill Center of the Arts) on … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Word of the Year!

Oxford Dictionaries announced its international Word of the Year on November 19: selfie The origin of selfie has been traced to an Australian online forum in 2002, and apparently there are spinoffs like helfie (a selfie of your hair) and … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Harry Houdini Scrapbook Collection

Even though the famous escape artist Harry Houdini lived in Wisconsin for many years of his youth, the University of Texas at Austin’s Harry Ransom Center houses his papers, including a scrapbook collection related to the history of magic. Some … Continue reading

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Friday fun: “Life made easier”

While wandering among the current periodical issues on 1st floor the other day, I discovered a magazine called REALSIMPLE. Under the title it says “Life made easier.” Aha! Now that sounds like a magazine I should read on a regular … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: How to Treat the Freshmen

Watching all the new students flood campus, I am reminded that UW-Whitewater’s first year students have a much better experience than some of their historical counterpoints. If you just finished your first week or are reminiscing fondly about your first week … Continue reading

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National Moth Week

July 20-28, 2013 is National Moth Week! Many locations are holding mothing events during this week. How will you celebrate? This is an opportunity to get involved in citizen science! Moths are incredibly diverse, and there are many more species … Continue reading

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