Tag Archives: federal government

Interested in the Peace Corps?

You can learn more about opportunities to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer at an information session on Wed., Feb. 5, at 5pm in UC262. The event is sponsored by the Center for Global Education and led by Brett Heimann, … Continue reading

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State of the Union 2014

Did you miss President Obama’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night? It’s not too late! A transcript of the President’s prepared speech is available via National Public Radio. You can listen to it from the NPR site too. Or, … Continue reading

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Martin Luther King, Jr. – 2014 commemorative talk

Reverend Everett D. Mitchell, Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and former Assistant Dane County District Attorney, will deliver the keynote address at UWW’s 28th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Event. Please join the campus community … Continue reading

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Driving Safely

It’s been winter for a while now, but it’s never too late to start driving more responsibly in response to weather and road conditions, and you’ve got plenty of time to practice since winter isn’t going away soon. Even the … Continue reading

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Endangered Species Act anniversary

December 28 is the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act being signed by President Nixon in 1973. That’s right, it’s the 40th anniversary of this legislation. Visit Endangered Species web pages for information and activities in honor of this anniversary, … Continue reading

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I’ll bet a lot of us will watch some movies over the holidays, either in theatres or in our own homes. Did you know that the first “commercial movie screening” took place in Paris on Dec. 28, 1895? The Lumière … Continue reading

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Color me stress-free!

Stressing a bit? I know, I know, the end of the semester is rushing toward us and there is too much to get done. Aiieee!!!! Release that nasty stress! There are crayons and coloring pages available near the Circulation Desk … Continue reading

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Research in Native American Studies

November is Native American Heritage Month and the Andersen Library has a variety of resources to help you learn more about the history and culture of Native Americans. The Andersen Library has many books, DVDs, and other resources that are … Continue reading

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Kenneth Hammer & Custer materials

Kenneth M. Hammer, 95, passed away on Oct. 18, 2013. Hammer was a professor of economics at UW-Whitewater from 1966-1983, but it may surprise you to know that he also gave to Andersen Library a special collection of materials related … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, UN!

October 24 is United Nations Day because the United Nations was officially established on October 24, 1945 when its charter was ratified. The purpose of the new organization was to maintain peace. You can learn all about the United Nations … Continue reading

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