Tag Archives: articles

Driving Safely

It’s been winter for a while now, but it’s never too late to start driving more responsibly in response to weather and road conditions, and you’ve got plenty of time to practice since winter isn’t going away soon. Even the … Continue reading

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Endangered Species Act anniversary

December 28 is the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act being signed by President Nixon in 1973. That’s right, it’s the 40th anniversary of this legislation. Visit Endangered Species web pages for information and activities in honor of this anniversary, … Continue reading

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I’ll bet a lot of us will watch some movies over the holidays, either in theatres or in our own homes. Did you know that the first “commercial movie screening” took place in Paris on Dec. 28, 1895? The Lumière … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: John Cage and 4:33

When I was a young music ed major, I remember learning about John Cage and his silent piece “4:33.” You can see an excerpt of John Cage performing this work via the WGBH Media Library and Archives’ Open Vault! Search … Continue reading

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Sociology and Hip Hop: How Musical Genres Impact Social Movements

Dr. Julius Bailey, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wittenburg University, will talk about “Sociology and Hip Hop: How Musical Genres Impact Social Movements” on Tues., Dec. 3, from 3:45pm-4:45pm in UC259A. It’s part of the African American Heritage Lecture Series. … Continue reading

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Trans & Gender Identities

Mara Keisling, Founding Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, spoke to a crowd of students, staff, and administrators on Thursday morning last week, covering a lot of ground, including the intersection of gender identity and other characteristics … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Harry Houdini Scrapbook Collection

Even though the famous escape artist Harry Houdini lived in Wisconsin for many years of his youth, the University of Texas at Austin’s Harry Ransom Center houses his papers, including a scrapbook collection related to the history of magic. Some … Continue reading

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T3: DOIs and APA Citation Style

Today’s tech tip addresses advances in scholarly communication technology and co-evolving citation styles. As scholarly publishers create new, increasingly flexible methods for organizing and tracking born-digital documents, citation styles reflect these changes. Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) provide a way to … Continue reading

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Research in Native American Studies

November is Native American Heritage Month and the Andersen Library has a variety of resources to help you learn more about the history and culture of Native Americans. The Andersen Library has many books, DVDs, and other resources that are … Continue reading

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Will Life on Earth Survive Deneb’s Supernova?

Dr. Robert Benjamin, UWW Dept. of Physics, will talk about “Will Life on Earth Survive Deneb’s Supernova?” on Fri, Nov 1, at 8pm (Upham 140). It’s the third lecture in the 2013-2014 Whitewater Observatory Lecture Series! A viewing session at … Continue reading

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