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Notable Government Documents 2009

Every year the best government publications (federal, state and international) are honored in Library Journal as the “notable government documents” of that year, and the 2009 list reflects the variety of topics on which the government publishes each year–history, government … Continue reading

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Recent potpourri of U.S. documents

People usually think publications from the U.S. Government are boring and unattractive. Not so (not always, anyway)! Here are some recent arrivals you might find very informative and possibly even enjoyable. All are available in Andersen Library’s 2nd-floor U.S. Documents … Continue reading

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Favorite Books–from WI legislators & staff

The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau has honored National Library Week every year since 2002 by gathering suggestions of “Favorite books” from state legislators and legislative employees. If you’re curious what the suggestions are, or just looking for possible good reads, … Continue reading

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Buy & Eat Local Food

Heard a lot about buying and eating locally-produced food? What’s the big deal?? Well, on Sunday (6/20/10) I saw a “Local Foods Movement” installment of Madison Channel 3‘s “For the Record” series. Olivia Parry, Director of Dane County Planning and … Continue reading

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Texas re-writing American History?

Texas publishes many of the school textbooks for schools around the U.S. This week, the fifteen-member Texas school board has decided to re-write some of American history as we have known it. The board is taking a more right-wing conservative … Continue reading

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Tornado Preparedness

It’s peak season (May-August) for occasional tornadoes. Be prepared! Know the difference between a watch and a warning: A Tornado Watch or Severe Weather Watch means a tornado may develop. Be alert and be prepared to take action if the … Continue reading

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“The Life and Death of the Sun” Apr. 30

Dr. Robert Benjamin, UWW Physics Dept., will present “The Life and Death of the Sun” on Fri., Apr. 30 @8pm in Upham Hall 140, followed by public viewing at the UWW Observatory @9:15pm (weather permitting). It’s the fourth spring David … Continue reading

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Educational TV: Animals & Ecotourism

Since two cats joined my household, I’ve been enjoying a guilty weekend pleasure: sitting with a contented, purring, and often sleeping cat on my lap. Staying put requires preparation–gathering within easy reach a beverage, whatever book(s) I’m reading, crosswords, and … Continue reading

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Ah, birds singing of spring

Isn’t it lovely when the birdies sing of spring in the morning? You should listen! Turn off the cacophony of your phone, radio, TV, etc.! Now sit back, close your eyes, and just….listen. Try to filter out noise like cars. … Continue reading

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Daylight Savings

Daylight Savings Time goes into effect on Sunday March 14th. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour, or you’ll miss the first hour the Library is open that day! More information is available from the Time and Frequency … Continue reading

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