Category Archives: around the library

Subscribe To Our Blog!

Do you like reading our blog? We try to have some fun with it, as well as keep you up-to-date on what’s going on around here – no, we don’t sit around reading all day. The blog migration to WordPress … Continue reading

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Reading for other views: Utne

Last semester I blogged about the value of reading a daily newspaper. That’ll get you the mainstream perspective on things. I also recommend reading Utne (previously Utne Reader), which is like a Reader’s Digest of “alternative” (non-mainstream) and independent press, … Continue reading

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Books on the Go

In the world of constant moving from place to place, whether it’s from your dorm to the classroom or from the house to the office, we spend a lot of time traveling. For some, the commute is as short as … Continue reading

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Snowflakes at the Library

I’m not sure how everyone feels about the ridiculous amount of frozen precipitation that we’ve gotten already this winter, but did you see the size of the snowflakes falling down last night? They were HUGE. Conveniently enough, we also had … Continue reading

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Community Borrower Cards

A piece of business before we get to the fun for Friday. The Library has changed the prices of the Community Borrowers effective January 1, 2008. The price has increased to $10 for one year or $25 for three years. … Continue reading

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New Year’s Resolutions – We can help you keep ’em

For many people, the New Year prompts thoughts of leaving bad habits behind or maybe trying something new. If you’re determined to do better in the coming year than you did last year, the Library can help. You may not … Continue reading

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B-log Break

As everyone takes a break from classes to enjoy the holidays and the impending new year, the blog’s going to take a mini-break as well. To keep you tied over until we start posting again next week, feel free to … Continue reading

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Where to Invest in 2008

When people think of the library, they don’t necessarily think to turn to us for investment advice. While we wouldn’t advise anyone on where to put their money, we can point you to credible and respectable sources for that sort … Continue reading

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Journey to Planet Earth

Global warming has been making headlines for a while now and has become a major issue on the radar of the world’s citizens. Believe or not, there are other global threats with which we should concern ourselves – like urban … Continue reading

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Are you a FAN?

Most people that walk by my office have seen the facebook me sign in my window. Well, now you can facebook the Library too. Check out our profile page on there and become a fan. It’s the place to get … Continue reading

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