Author Archives: Diana

About Diana

Diana is the Reference & Instructional Technology Librarian at UW-Whitewater. She can introduce you to a variety of technology to help improve your teaching, learning, research, and professional development. Ask her about Zotero, tea, or technology. She is the liaison librarian to the departments of Psychology and Social Work.

Construction Around Andersen Building

During the fall 2013 semester, a construction project on the north side of the Andersen Library building will block access to several entrances to the Andersen Library building. This includes entrance number 3, which is the usual way patrons access … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday — Aug 20

Servants: A Downstairs View of Twentieth-century Britain by Lucy Lethbridge HD8039.D52 G776 2013 New Arrivals, 2nd Floor I recently came across a book on the New Arrivals Island that will help fill some time during the months of waiting for … Continue reading

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Summer Citation Fun!

For many students, faculty, and staff, summer is the time to work on research or organizational projects that fell by the wayside during the rush of the academic year. Is finally deciding to improve the way you manage your research … Continue reading

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T3: Basic Dictation Tools

Do you find yourself wanting to say your comments on a student’s paper out loud instead of typing them up?  Have a desire to quickly dash off a chatty email to a friend or relative? Like talking to yourself and … Continue reading

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T3: Organize and Capture Information with Evernote

Do you have notes for classes, papers, or lesson plans written on loose sheets of paper, typed up in Microsoft Word files on your laptop, and written down in a notebook you can’t find at the moment? Do you have … Continue reading

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T3: Finding Creative Commons Media Resources

Need to find an song or image to use in the classroom or for an assignment? Want to alter an image or reuse it in a new format? UW-Whitewater has policies and resources related to copyright and fair use that … Continue reading

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T3: Save Time with Text Expansion

Do you ever find yourself typing out the same word, phrase, or even a whole email message over and over? Text expansion software saves you time by expanding a snippet of text into the full word or phrase—think of the … Continue reading

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T3: Screencasting with the iPad

Do you find yourself explaining how to solve a particular equation over and over? Do you need to demonstrate to a class how to use a particular website or database? Screencasting and interactive whiteboard apps on the iPad are good … Continue reading

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T3: Creating Infographs

Infographics have become a popular way to share data in an eye-catching manner.  While there are many software programs that help users create graphs and basic charts there are very few options that allow those without access to or knowledge … Continue reading

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T3 (Thursday Tech Tips): Quick and Easy YouTube Clips

Have you ever needed to show only a short segment of a YouTube video in a class or a presentation? TubeChop, a free website requiring no registration, makes quick work of selecting a portion of a video and creating a … Continue reading

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