March 2012 Meeting

We met Thursday (15 March) – here are the highlights:

  • The next Safe Zone training will be coming up quickly on 21 March [this Wednesday!] from 12-1PM. Also of note, the April Safe Zone training, originally scheduled for 4PM, has been moved to 3PM, in order to avoid conflict with the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence.
  • Speaking of the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence, Chris [way to go!] has pulled together an amazing program, which includes Chancellor Telfer and other prominent campus figures. Make sure that you’re there – 26 April at 4:30PM.
  • It was reported that the LGBT* Difficult Dialogues for Faculty & Staff was ending, and Cindy reported that it had gone remarkably well. Based on that sort of feedback, everyone should want to take it!

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Task Force Mailbag – March 18

I’m telling you – the task force makes my job so easy because they send in all of this great stuff. It means that we get that much more coverage with that many more eyes and ears out for equality.

Thanks to Katka, Adam, and Robin for the links!

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News Roundup for the Week

The task force members do such a great job with finding stories and resources from all over – below are ones sent this week:

Thanks to Dan, Kris, and Nik for the links!

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The Tide is Changing in Sports, Too

The world of sports is one of adrenaline, hormones, and competition, but it often also includes homophobia and transphobia. Strides are definitely being made to break down those walls and barriers, and Nathan’s Manske story on the Huffington Post is a clear indicator that things are changing for the better. He features the coming-out of a college football player, in which his teammates rallied around him after an off-color comment from their coach. Take a second to read this feel-good anecdote from Pennsylvania.

Thanks to Jeff and Dan for the link!

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Amsterdam for Some Learning, Anyone?

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Sexual Politics in Amsterdam

This program is by offered by Michigan State University. Anyone may participate – alumni, students at other institutions, community members. The application deadline is March 1, 2012. There are only a couple of spots left!

In this program, students will learn about sex and gender politics and policy in the Netherlands, one of the most sexually liberal countries in the world. This nation was the first to legalize same sex marriages, grants sex workers legitimate status, and covers sex reassignment surgeries through its government health plan. Yet tolerance for sexual and gender diversity is counter-balanced by a pervasive social intolerance of Muslim immigrants. Students will study sexual and gender politics with Dutch scholars and speakers working in organizations relating to sex workers, sex education, transgender advocacy, and LGBTQ rights in order to advance their knowledge of these topics in a comparative context.

Students will reside in the vibrant city of Amsterdam, where world-famous museums and cafes abound alongside beautiful canals and historic architecture. Students will be housed in dormitories at the University of Amsterdam. Excursions may include a visit to a sex-reassignment clinic, a guided tour of the Red Light District, and a trip to the World Population Fund Center for Sexual Education in Utrecht. Students will also have the opportunity to visit Brussels, where they may meet with LGBTQ refugees and representatives from the International Organization for Lesbian and Gay Rights.

Questions? More information? Contact Julia Grant at You can also download either the basic information (PDF) or the details (look through the tabs on the page).

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