Sep 16

Donald Trump is Mike Ditka

Category: About Me

rt_donald_trump_mm_150616_16x9_992         mikeD

While going through my feedly I came across a lot of articles, but now was as important as “Trump’s dumbest idea yet.” Making the Comparison to Mike Ditka and Donald Trump was genesis on the writers’ part in this article.

There were a lot of direct quotes from Donald Trump toward Mike Ditka Including Trump going on and on about how he would love to have Mike Ditka Involved in his campaign; because he knows how to win.

I feel like this is a great article comparing the two, Trump is hard-nosed and pretty much says whatever is on his mind. I believe that’s why a lot of people aren’t too sure about voting for Donald Trump in this election.

The Journalist are saying that it is dumb to compare the two, but if you look back at how Mike Ditka was as a coach and how Donald Trump is in this campaign its very accurate to me. One thing that the writer pointed out that I would agree is that Donald Trump says and does converse things; the writer mentions Trump’s rant about immigrations.

This article is relevant because Donald Trump is a well-known candidate that tends to make headlines for all the wrong reasons. Although he’s a little unhinged based off of some of his comments and quotes that he makes, it makes for good headlines.

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