Documentation Updates from the LTC

We are in the process of moving our documentation, tutorials, and how-to pages from into ServiceNow. As the pages are moved and complete, a redirect message with the updated link will be placed on the old pages. The old pages will continue to work through the Spring 2021 semester.

Example image of the redirect links

You can browse and search through the documentation pages by going to

Image of the Service Now knowledge base.

What is ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is the help desk platform that is available on campus. Canvas support request should still be routed through the Canvas 24/7/365 support.

Why are we moving the pages?

Moving the content into ServiceNow will allow for a better overall user experience, and more robust search feature.

Can I still link to the pages in ServiceNow?

Yes! Follow this guide to copy the link to place in your own materials: Linking to a ServiceNow KB Article.

Please contact the Learning Technology Center if you have any questions about this change.