Did you know you have an ePortfolio?

Hey everyone!

The end of the semester is coming to an end and many of us are scrambling to collect all the work that we have done over the course of the semester! The D2L ePortfolio is a tool which allows you to collect a number of artifacts and resources into one spot where you can easily view and manage them all.

To access your ePortfolio, go to the right hand side of your D2L homepage and clicks on Tools and then select ePortfolio. From there, you’ll be brought to your ePortfolio home page.tools

On your home page, you have a number of different resources, including a feed which shows you the resources that you’ve updated, worked on, or have been shared with you from other people. You can also Add files and Add links from this page.eportfoilio page

Under My Items, you see a list of the objects you’ve created within your ePortfolio. To view them, simply click on the desired artifact, or you can click on the drop down arrow at the end of their name where you can view them, edit them, copy them, share them, delete them, and add them to presentations or collections.

my items

Under the Explore tab, we can see the artifacts that have been shared with us from other people.

Lastly, under the Sharing Groups tab, you can create a sharing group which allows you to easily share things with multiple people without having to individually add each one. This allows sharing to be much more easy, quick and convenient .

If you have any questions regarding your ePortfolio please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Thanks for your time!