Shengjian Bao

  • What is Shengjian Bao?

Shengjian Bao is a popular traditional snack in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Guangdong, which is called Shengjian for short. As Shanghainese used to call “baozi” as “mantou”, there was only steamed bread in ancient Chinese, hu people into China after the emergence of new terms such as “Bao”, so in Shanghai Shengjian Bao also called Sheng Jian mantou.

  • History

People in Shanghai call Shengjian “Sheng Jian Mantou”, which has a history of more than 100 years. In Shanghai, this kind of flavor snack shop is everywhere. Once the most famous is the “big pot Chunsheng pan-fried”, sweet-skinned tender meat. Today, there is a well-known restaurant named “Xiao Yang Sheng Jian”. Although the word “steamed bun” has been omitted, everyone knows that this is a famous “Sheng Jian steamed bun” restaurant. Every morning at 5:00 or 6:00 am, it is full of people, if you don’t get in line early, you’re not gonna get it. More than 100 years ago, Shanghai teahouses served both tea and fried buns. Later, people do not taste tea, but also want to “tea snacks” as fast food, instead of dinner. In response to people’s dietary needs, Sheng Jian Bao out of the teahouse has become a “street snack”.

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