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My Ultimate Journey

This week I wanted to take some time to talk about myself and how ultimate has impacted my life and my journey through the sport. I did not learn about ultimate until my senior year of high school after dislocating my knee and being cut from the baseball team. For my first year of ultimate, it was just something fun to do and I did not take it very seriously. After my first few years of college in Minnesota, I chose to transfer to UW-Whitewater to be a little closer to home and that was also when I found ultimate again. I had some friends on the team and started playing ultimate again and really started to love the sport. From then, I started to take ultimate seriously, dedicating time to work out and improve my throws. I quickly rose to becoming a starter on the team and then after 2 seasons I became captain. After being captain I also took the summer to play with a club team that was ranked 29th in the country and continue improving my game. Last January, I tried out for the AUDL team, the Madison Radicals. After being invited to some private practices, I sadly did not make the team, but I took this as motivation to dedicate myself to getting better to make the team the next chance I get. Fast forward to today, I recently was lucky enough to receive an invite to the Radicals private tryout, on Saturday, March 13th. This week has been incredibly stressful and exciting for me as my second chance has been the only thing on my mind. This tryout is everything I have been working for since not making the team last year. I will do everything with in my power to make the most of this opportunity and have fun playing some fun playing high level ultimate. Next week I will update my blog with the outcome of the tryout and my own performance. Below I posted a video of the highlights from the Madison Radicals 2018 AUDL championship win. Stay tuned next week for updates!

Madison Radicals 2018 Championship Highlights

One Comment

  • Shane Tremel

    That’s really cool that you got to tryout for the Madison Radicals, I’ve always thought ultimate was a fun sport to play, although I’ve never really played competitively before. Hopefully your tryout went well! Best of luck!

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