Holding Yourself Accountable
First, I want to start my blog by thanking you for joining me on OUR discovering wellness journey. It has been great seeing the engagement in the comments and communicating my knowledge with you. I hope you were able to take something away from reading my blogs. Holding yourself accountable can be very difficult for some people. In school and work I am great at this, however, when it comes to my wellness I tend to slack. Holding myself accountable to maintain a healthy lifestyle is very difficult for me! This is something I am continuing to work on every day. Below I am including some tips and tricks to…
Reading Food Labels
The first step to developing a healthier lifestyle is being educated and knowledgeable on food labels. Food labels can be very misleading if you don’t know what to look out for. Below I have included easy steps and tricks to follow when reading food labels. Step One: Read the Ingredient List When reading the ingredient list be on the lookout for unfamiliar names. Most people aren’t aware that ingredients are listed in a specific order. Ingredients are listed from most to least included. A great thing to do is read the first three ingredients. If you recognize and approve of the first three ingredients, you are headed in the right…
Breath in and breath out. Meditation is an important tool to discovering your overall wellness. While eating good and exercising are great, you mental and physical health starts from within. Today, I want to share the importance of practicing meditation and some great meditation resources. Mediation has many great benefits! While meditation can feel silly at first, I encourage you to push past the “awkwardness” and commit to it. I gave up many times before mediation became beneficially for my mental health. Below are the main benefits of meditation: Better Sleep Reduced Stress Mindful eating – less stress eating Relaxation in social in physical settings Clear Mind – make better…
Nutrition On-The-Go
Thanks for joining me for another week of, “Discovering Wellness”. So far, we have discussed dieting vs lifestyle changes, the importance of mental health, taking your workout to the next level, finding balance in nutrition, emotional intelligence, and at home workouts. I wanted to include a quick recap in case you are interesting in learning more about the blogs I’ve been posting! This week, I will be discussing how to maintain healthy eating within the busy society we live in today. Today, we are always on the move. Society is training us to pack our schedule with classes, work, meetings, sports, etc. Keeping up with your nutrition can become difficult…
At Home Workouts
This week I am going to be discussing ways to exercise within the comfort of your home! Keeping your body moving is so important!! Moving keeps your blood flowing and muscles strong while improving your coordination, stability and balance. Exercising will also help enhance your mood and energy. These all contribute to your overall mental and physical wellness. At home workouts can look many different ways. I am going to provide a few examples of staying healthy and moving at home! 1.) Find workouts on YouTube! YouTube is a great place to start. Over quarantine a lot of trainers released a variety of different workout series. Below I’ve provided a…