Category Interior Design

Opinions on Interior Design

Throughout the course of this blog, I have shared a lot of my opinions on the interior design world as a whole. There are trends that I love and trends that I hate. Some are ones that everyone loves and… Continue Reading →

DIY For College Students

Everyone is busy in college. Balancing classwork, another job and a social life is a lot. There isn’t a lot of freetime to be had. But in those moments, it can be fun to fill the time with a DIY… Continue Reading →

Common College Mistakes

Mistakes is a harsh word. I acknowledge that everyone has and is entitled to their own sense of personal style. However I think most of us can agree on some components of the “traditional” college dorm or apartment trends that… Continue Reading →

Zones For The Home

It may seem obvious, but it’s important to break up your space into zones. By zones, I mean setting aside space you have for certain activities and tasks. If you overlap your spaces too much, then everything starts to blend… Continue Reading →

Fashion versus Function

Some things are made to be pretty. Some things are made to be functional. Can some items have the best of both worlds? Of course. But at what point should you sacrifice the function of something in order to have… Continue Reading →

Where to Shop

Shopping! A pastime of many in our modern day, whether or not it’s in person or online, it can become addicting to those who enjoy it. For those that aren’t as interested in shopping, bare with me. Although it may not… Continue Reading →

Personalizing Your Place

No matter how big or small of a space, everyone wants to feel at home when they come back at the end of a long day. From the kitchen to bedroom and every other space in between, it’s important to… Continue Reading →

Thrifty Finds

Ever since Macklamore came out with his hit song “Thrift Shop” in 2012, thrifting is nothing new. People will go to their nearest Goodwill, St. Vincent de Paul’s, Salvation Army’s and more to find a good deal. Thrift stores have… Continue Reading →

The Power of Prints

Most everyone has had the chance to live in a college dorm room. There’s not much to say for it besides yikes. It’s a concrete box with tan furniture and little space. It can be a bit of a shock… Continue Reading →

Trends this Year

Every year, various designers come up with their own design predictions for the year. Whether or not these predictions comes true, that’s up for debate. Sometimes they come together and agree on a certain trend they are looking to see… Continue Reading →

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