Archive for October, 2016
Storify Story
Here is my Storify Assignment..hope you guys enjoy
No commentsHomerun to the Internet
It is baseball season and the World Series  just began. The series consists of the Cleveland Indians vs. Chicago Cubs. You are probably wondering what the World Series has to do with online journalism. This World series has had the biggest viewing since 2009 and they should be grateful because of the internet.  With the elevated attention to the World Series and the move to a larger potential audience on Fox, Game 1 audience represented a near-doubling of the 9.7 million viewers. (counting online and tv) Most of the sports channels that are on T.V. are now online so, people are able to watch where ever they are. Most viewers are young adults so they is also the reason of the spike in viewing. With the rise of online journalism we wouldn’t be able to watch or even read about what is going on in the game. If you dont have time to watch the game, you can check the scorig online which has helped tremendously through out the years. Go Warhawks! Go CUBS!!!!!
2 commentsThe Internet had gone Dark
Like any other Friday morning I sleep in but today I had to get up by 10 for errands and when I get up I check my social media accounts. My Facebook and Instagram were fine just like any other normal day but for some reason my Twitter didnt want to work. I think nothing of it and decide to check it later and it was fine 2 hrs later. Not thinking it was a big problem, boy was I wrong. There was an internet hack against the east coast of the US and parts of England. I found this by looking through my feedly and it directed me to CNN. I was shocked when I heard this because I didnt think it was possible to hack the internet. Some major sites that were effected were; Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, Reddit, Hulu, CNN, Fox News and many others. I think this is pretty important to us because our classes ad our future careers depend on having the use of the internet and if we dont have it, what are we supposed to do. Everything got fixed by 3pm but it is scary knowing someone is capable of doing this. Hope everyone is aware of what is happening around them. Have a great Homecoming weelend! Go Warhawks!
2 commentsTechnology that Changes
In the last 21 years of my life technology has drastically changed. From having big bricks as phones to the touch screen phones we have today. Also from the computers that didn’t do anything expect for business stuff to computer having the use of the internet and playing movies on them. As you can tell technology has changed dramatically. Searching through feedly I found an interesting article about instagram that i thought you guys should all know. The articles talks about how you can get Instagram on Windows 10 tablets instead of just on your phone. I thought this so amazing because I love Instagram and being able to have it on more than one device would be so cool. This shows you how far technology has come in the last 20 years and even in the last 50 years. Sometimes we may depend on it to much but we all appreciate it in some way. Just imagine 10 years ago we didn’t have some of the technologies we have today. Just remember to be grateful for what we have and who knows when our children are our age they might say our technology today is nothing compared to what they have. Go Warhawks!!
3 commentsFixing my other two Blogs
Hey world..hope everyone is having a great day and a great week. It has been busy for me but that is for another time. I just wanted to say congratulations to the UW-Whitewater football team on beating the Oshkosh Titans 17-14. Now on to the blog of the week. This week I fixed my past two blogs based on what learned from NewsU and the comments from my professor. The NewsU course this week was really interesting and it will help me in the future of my education and job experience. The NewsU course talked about a lot of stuff but the information I got the most out of was the hierarchy and the use of white space. The way I changed my past two blogs was the use of the hierarchy. My main title was good because it was at the top front and center but the problem I had was the picture to my main stories was at the bottom of the blog. So, I changed the placement of my blog to the beginning of my blog front and center. The reason I did this is because media/videos/pictures grab the attention of the reader and if I have it at the bottom the reader will surpass my story and just look at the picture. The media is the key to grabbing the readers attention. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. GO WARHAWKS!