Archive for September, 2016

It Has Happened Again….

September 30th, 2016 | Category: Uncategorized

11675971_f520On September 28, 2016 we added another event to our long list of history. In South Carolina there was a shooting at an elementary school. Two students were shot along with a teacher and they were shot by a teenager that was home schooled. I ask myself everyday why this happens and I can never find an answer. All I can figure out is that we have to much hate in this world. Since we are all still in school, I wonder if you guys have the same fears I do. Every time I go to class I am always thinking what if something like that happens in Whitewater. There are no locks on half of the doors to the classrooms on campus and we have such big windows to see into the classrooms, anyone could get in. We should not have to worry when we go to class about a shooting or a bombing happening but that is just the world we live in I guess. Just make sure if you see any suspicious tell somebody. We want our school to be safe and not be another event on a long list of schools that lost people because of a shooting. And for the families that have lost people to school shootings, I pray for you and I hope your family can pull through this, there is love in this world.  GO WARHAWKS!


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Will Whitewater Watch

September 24th, 2016 | Category: Uncategorized


As many of you know the Presidential debate is coming up in November but before that there is a presidential debate this coming Monday. For most of us this will be the first presidential election we are going to be voting for. The article/blog mentions that this debate will be the most watched presidential debate since Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter back in 1980. I think the reason for that is that our choices our Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. They might not be the best choices but that is all we have. Some students like Trump while others like Clinton, but I know people that would rather vote for Mickey Mouse. The reason kids, teenagers and young adults know a lot about our candidates then in past elections is the rise of social media and technology. We tend to find out more then we want to know half the time. I am pretty sure most of the campus and college campuses around the country will be tuning in to see what these two candidates will say. It might change some people’s mind or it might get people to vote. Or they could be like me and my roommates and just not vote at all. Well, it is up to you if you vote or not. I wont force you but just make sure to tune in to see what is up next for the presidential candidates. Go Warhawks!!!


3 Blogs from Feedly

September 16th, 2016 | Category: Uncategorized

While looking through I saw a lot of blogs but I knew I wanted each of these blogs to represent something different. I am a person that enjoys different things, so I would like my blog to showcase that.

The first blog I found was “Music Blog”.

I chose this blog because I have a passion for music. I can not go a day with out listening to music. For me music is a way to for me to let go of my stress in life and not worry about anything else. This blog talks about music from Lady Gaga all the way to British Heavy Metal. I enjoy how diverse this blog is. It has all types of genres and the writer does not show favoritism to one genre. The writer says good things about any genre they are writing about. There’s plenty of content to browse through and enjoy and that is exciting for me. This blog is capable of grabbing attention from everyone that likes music which is great for the community and audience.

The second blog I found was “The Wrestling Blog”

I chose this blog because you can say I am huge fan of wrestling. Any time that I can find that I have nothing to do you will see me reading or watching wrestling. This blog is something I would read everyday because the writer talks about what happened during the shows and his opinion which I love hearing other people’s opinion. He shows great photos with his writing so if I did miss a show I would know what happened. The community and audience that love wrestling will enjoy this because they wont miss anything about their favorite wrestlers.

The third blog I found was “Photography Blog News”

I chose this blog because I enjoy photography and this blog shows amazing pictures and what type of equipment is best for taking the pictures you want. The best thing about this blog is that it shows you and tells you how to use the newest camera for best all around pictures you would love. The writer tells you how to work certain attachments for your camera. The community and audience would love this because this blog not only shows pictures and new equipment, it teaches you how to use it.

Until next time world……

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Hey again..

September 13th, 2016 | Category: Uncategorized

It has been a while since I have blogged but I usually keep this for a class and likely enough I need it for my Journalism For The Web Class. Have a good week everybody!

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