Written by Jacob Bailey

CEO. The lead of a company, the one to call the shots, the one who gets the final say. This is something we all strive for within the working world. However, this can only be done by select individuals. Within these individuals, one common characteristic is shared that we see is as the entrepreneur mindset. This means you never settle for less than what’s needed, and you always strive for more. This is exactly what the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO) is doing at UW- Whitewater.

CEO is a student-run organization that helps students create and develop their entrepreneurial mindset, while surrounding them with successful businessmen and women. CEO invites phenomenal innovators within the entrepreneur field to come and speak, to help their members create an understanding of what real-world experience looks like. They also do this by setting up business tours and competitions across the country. While this student organization may seem like it is intended for only entrepreneurship majors, this organization is emphasized towards all majors and students with different backgrounds. CEO does not only want a group of diverse majors, but prides themselves on taking involvement with all of the colleges within UW-Whitewater.

One may ask “Why should I join? I don’t even have an idea for a company”? And our answer is; We at CEO want you to join, even if you don’t have a business idea, because we can give you the resources to potentially come up with one. Even if you don’t have intentions of starting your own company, we want to give students the chance to meet with business owners and opportunities to get experience in the business field. There is no such thing as a bad idea when you are in CEO, and we encourage curiosity. Our main goal is fro you to excel, and for you to discover your true passion.

While our organization is centralized on how to further a personal company, we want nothing more than fro our members develop the entrepreneur mindset and apply this to their future workplace. No matter what our goal is at CEO, we want to create success for you, whether your endeavors include starting your own company or simply furthering yourself within a company. We not only provides members with excellent professional skills, résumé builders, and future networking connections; it can also provide students with the chance to win REAL money by simply by competing within our competitions.

CEO hosts an abundance of competitions and at these competitions, you can win real money however the more tempting prize is that we have willing investors at these competitions that are willing to invest within your company. We have a fantastic reputation across the country in which we have had National Champions at the CEO Global Conference and continue to send members to Nationals every year.

Our organization meets at 5:15 PM on Wednesdays in 1307 Hyland Hall. We also offer free pizza at every meeting. If you would like a way to get into touch with CEO, you can contact the president, Tyler Anderson (AndersonTA26@uww.edu) or our adviser Dave Gee (geed@uww.edu). Otherwise, please feel free to visit our website http://www.uwwceo.com/ where you can find more information about our chapter. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, and cannot wait to teach and develop the entrepreneur mindset with you!