I know that we all struggle when it comes down to sitting down and doing homework. For me personally, I get anxiety just thinking about doing assignments. Everyone is different when it comes to certain methods that help themselves to just sit down and get their homework done. Here are some things that help me:

  • Change your surroundings: Being able to do homework somewhere other than where you live can help you think differently and get your mind off of watching Netflix rather than doing homework
  • Study with your friends: Always remember you and your college friends are in it TOGETHER! You are never alone when it comes to studying and doing homework – take advantage of having people around you that are in the same boat
  • Prioritize your work: my biggest piece of advice is DON’T PROCRASTINATE. I know as students we procrastinate a lot more than we should, but its always better to get ahead of your school work than to fall behind
  • Weekdays are for school, weekends are for fund: trying to get ahead of your school work during the week with give you a sense of relief when the weekends roll around.

Doing some of these things have really taught myself how to buckle down and get my stuff done. This also heavily reduces my stress and anxiety when it comes to homework, time management, and school.

7 thoughts on “Study Methods: Ways to make sure you get that Homework Assignment done before 11:59PM”

  1. Great post Kaycee, I always love seeing the advice you give. I remember my advisor telling me at the beginning of college to treat your day like a 9-5 and get all of your homework done during that time so that you can relax and not have to worry about it later. Although I didn’t adopt this mentality, I try to have all of my homework done by 8PM and don’t check my email again until the next day.

  2. First off, love the title, it is a really great hook! But overall, loved this post. I think it is such a common and relatable struggle for every college to get assignments done in a timely, non stressful manner so this post was super great for that. My favorite study hack is to set a timer for like 30 minutes where I put my phone across the room and get stuff done and once that timer goes off I can get up and go get a snack for 5-10 minutes and then a repeat the process until I am all done with the work I need to do!

  3. I agree with all of these tips! When I do homework, sometimes I’ll put on a podcast if anything just because it gets boring sitting there for hours trying to get so many things done. I too try to get things done in the week to leave my weekends free of any homework. Any assignments due on Sunday night I see as due on Friday nights so it pushes me to get everything done. With working on the weekends, it’s really helped to prioritize this thought process rather than procrastinating it to the last possible moment.

  4. These tips are awesome! I am always open to trying new ways to study. I definitely find studying with friends to be so fun and helpful. I have been getting a lot better about getting ahead of my homework during the week rather than cramming during the weekend and it has helped me feel a lot less burnt out. Great post!

  5. I think that most of us get anxiety from assignments. I think the overload of assignments from each class definitely plays a role in that. I believe that if we are making sure that we are going somewhere else to do homework, it helps us focus on what needs to get done. Instead of sitting in bed and doing assignments all day, you won’t feel motivated to do them or get them done. Great post!

  6. I really like these tips you mention in the blog post to help students get their assignments done. I know that I can benefit from these tips, and there are some important reminders in here too. I feel that lately I have been procrastinating so this made me think about that and be more mindful. I also like the idea of going elsewhere to study and maybe even bring some friends along!

  7. This was a great read! I know personally, I procrastinate a lot! I get so anxious about doing assignments that I put them off until the last minute and I am unable to produce the best content possible. Leaving the house is a great idea as it allows a different and less distracting environment that can be easier to study in.

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