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Why Friends Who work Out With You Are The Best Friends Out There.

Why Friends Who work Out With You Are The Best Friends Out There.

Everyone’s on their fitness kick.  Wither it’s your new year’s resolution to get back in the gym to get fit, or the fact that spring break is only  1 month away we are all trying to be committed to fitness.  Self-motivation plays a big part, 

What is your “But”?

What is your “But”?

We all start our week off with the hopes of waking up for our Monday morning workout. We set our clothes out, we pre-prepare our breakfast, and then we go to sleep setting our alarms bright and early. Then, when that rooster calls, we snooze 

Turn Your Run Into Fun!

Turn Your Run Into Fun!

fun runWhoever said running wasn’t any fun? Now I realize that running may not be your favorite hobby and it’s not in my intentions to necessarily make it your favorite either. However, having the right mindset about running can make it less of a chore and more of a fun activity. In doing so you will find that amidst your busiest days you still have time for a quick and fun run! That is why I created 5 different steps you can take in an effort to making your run more enjoyable!

  1. Focus on your surroundings

Look at your next run as a chance to explore a beautiful place. Rather than mapping out a run that mostly resembles your commute to work, find a new location you have never been! It can be a park, a path along water, or even a random side street you have never been down. Focus on taking in the sights and catching any sign of wildlife rather than your heart rate or distance.

  1. Reward yourself

There is no doubt that treating yourself after a run is an excellent form of motivation. You may want to plan a fun night out with your friends the evening after a longer run, or you can buy yourself a cool new running accessory after achieving a milestone. Maybe you even enjoy a rare dessert the night following your run that you’ve been craving. Whatever it is just know you accomplished something so whatever the reward, it was well deserved!

  1. Celebrate your progress

It does not matter where you start so long as you do start. Buy a notebook, start a running total of how long your run was and how long it took you. It is a satisfying thing to not only see physical changes, but too see improvements in the distances you can run and how fast you can run them! Progress is what fuels motivation and helps get the ball rolling in the right direction.

  1. Get a Running Partner

Running with someone else is enjoyable for several different reasons. For starters, having a conversation while running or walking is a great way to past the time, before you know it you’ve talked for hours and got a good workout in too. Having a partner can also push you to be just a bit faster than you would be if you ran by yourself. Remember not to get to carried away in competing with your partner be supportive and encouraging!

  1. Awesome tunes

Need some beats to keep you moving and grooving? Put together a playlist just for the occasion. Go for high-energy, fast-paced songs if you’re trying to push the pace, or some more relaxing tunes if you want to just zone out and enjoy the day. Don’t have a knack for DJing? The music service Pandora has categories of playlists focused specifically on running that well help keep you going no matter what genre you’re looking for.

“Whether you think that you can or whether you think that you can’t, you’re right”

Christian Becker

Warhawk Alumni: Coming Soon!

Warhawk Alumni: Coming Soon!

Warhawk Alumni: Coming Soon! As I sit back and look at my class list this semester, it has hit me. I will be walking across the stage and moving out of Whitewater in 4 short months…WOAH. I realized that many of you may be in