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Junk In Disguise

Junk In Disguise

Junk food is easy to spot, right? Pizza, cookies, chips and anything deep-fried is bad for us so we try to eat it in moderation. What if I told you that the grocery store is filled with much more junk food then what originally comes 

Cardio Finishes Last…Weight What?

Cardio Finishes Last…Weight What?

Have you been working out for a while and still feel like you look like the same girl or boy you were when you started? Have you reached a new PR in the mile or lifted more weight than you did a year ago (or 

Outside The Gym

Outside The Gym

outside the gymIt’s that time year again. The weather starts to warm up and flowers start to peep through the dirt. You have been hibernating inside all winter long and are ready to break free from the walls of school and work. You already know the endless benefits exercising has on your body, but the last thing you want to do after a long day inside is spend even more time inside slaving away on the treadmill. The good news is, you don’t have to hit the gym to stay active and keep working towards your fitness goals. In fact, there are many different ways that you can stay active outside that have nothing to do with going to the gym. If staying out of the gym to enjoy the beautiful weather appeals to you, then read on. I have found the top 3 ways to stay active outside in the beautiful weather that beyond the gym to share with you.

1.) Make it Game Time

Grab some friends and hit the fields and courts. Soccer, football and basketball are all great ways to get moving with some friendly competition. You will be running and hustling throughout the field to win, you wont even realize the hundreds of calories your burning. Take advantage of UW Whitewater’s amazing intermural program and sign up to play games such as sand volleyball, softball, ultimate Frisbee and more. Take the opportunity to enjoy being active outdoors while meeting some new people from campus with similar sports interests as you. Click here to see the full Intramural Spring 2017 calendar and sign up today!

2.) Grab your Bike

Enjoy all the natural beauty nature has to offer by hopping on your bike. Biking is a great way to tone your legs, strengthen your core and get your heart rate pumping. The next time you get in your car to drive to class, consider getting out your bike and allowing a few extra minutes to enjoy Whitewater’s beautiful campus before you head inside. Biking is a great way to sneak in some exercise throughout your busy day. Not to mention, riding your bike to class saves you from the parking circus with plenty of bike racks to lock up throughout campus.

3.) Channel your inner child with a playground workout

With various schools and parks located throughout Whitewater, the amounts of playgrounds are endless. Just as kids have fun monkeying around on the playground at recess, you can do the same all while getting in a great workout. Use the monkey bars to tone your arms doing pull-ups, the parallel bars for dips and body rows and climb up ladders to work your entire body. Add in some laps around the playground and before you know it you’ve worked out when it just feels like play time. Click here for a full body playground workout to change your “gym” scenery.

These outdoor activities will keep you active outside the gym allowing you to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. They key to constancy and sticking to your fitness goals is finding something that you truly like to do. By changing up your scenery and routine to try something new, you are sure to find a way to keep moving in an enjoyable way that doesn’t even feel like exercising!

~Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Mind, Body and Spirit.~

Hannah Anderson

Motivation Techniques

Motivation Techniques

Everyone approaches the point in their life where they can’t stand how they look or feel anymore. But what does it take for someone to finally accept who they are and make a change? New Years? Maybe a post break-up motivation to prove what the