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Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

No. This is not a blog about how to get someone’s number. This is about helping you on a path to a better you! This is the Law of attraction.

Fitness, I Choose You!

Fitness, I Choose You!

What’s up y’all your favorite Fitness Supervisor is BACK. I know you’re all stoked, but today I am going to try something a little different. I am still going to slap some knowledge on you, but I am also going to share some personal anecdotes 

How to Change Your Attitude Towards Fitness

How to Change Your Attitude Towards Fitness

When you are just beginning your fitness journey, sometimes just getting started can be the most challenging part. It is common for individuals to be nervous about joining a gym, learning how to use workout equipment, and wearing athletic apparel for the first time. Just remember that anytime someone tries something new there will be an adjustment period. The most important thing is that you just start. Once you get over the hurdle of starting your fitness journey you will find your own rhythm. Remember that even if it seems like everyone in the gym knows exactly what they are doing, they still started out at the same point as you in the beginning. Continue reading How to Change Your Attitude Towards Fitness

We Have Juicy Gossip!

We Have Juicy Gossip!

On actual juice that is. Cold pressed juice is on the come up and I’m here to give you all the details. This “magical”, all natural juice is supposed to give you all the health in the world while matching your instagram aesthetic. Is all