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Spooky Season

Spooky Season

It’s getting to be the time of year, spooky season. The time where leaves are changing color, the air is getting brisk, and tests are creeping up! Some call it spooky season because the three months we have of fall is also a three month 

Tips From a Senior

Tips From a Senior

Queue up the Thin Lizzy track because the Hawks are back in town. That’s right it’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Harv back to slap some knowledge on y’all. Sit back and relax upperclassmen because this is geared towards the freshman, with that being said if 

Whitewater Workout Edition

Whitewater Workout Edition

Are you tired of going to the gym to run on a treadmill and lift some weights? Are you looking to change up your workout routine? Are you looking to workout outside? If you said yes to any of these questions than this blog is for you!  Here are 4 ways that you can get an awesome workout in without being in the weight room! Continue reading Whitewater Workout Edition

Reason to Hit The Gym This Semester

Reason to Hit The Gym This Semester

Welcome back Warhawks! It is the start of a new year with new schedules. It is important to start the semester out strong and to get into a good routine right off that bat. Take a look at your schedule and find a time that will work