How To Be Active In Summer

How To Be Active In Summer

With the beautiful warm days and sunny skies, it makes it difficult to want to head to the gym. We all have this burning desire to be outside and enjoy the nice weather. This is the perfect time to get some fresh air and be 

Netflix and Sweat?

Netflix and Sweat?

I don’t know about you, but when I come home for break I do not have access to a gym. That means that the majority of my winter break consisted of watching Netflix on the couch. Now for a while this seemed to be just 

A New Year = A New You… Right?

A New Year = A New You… Right?

I am all about setting goals and reaching them, but I never understood why we as individuals have to wait tell the first of the year to make a goal, and how long does this goal go on for?  Until we forget about it, until 

When You Don’t Have a Passion

When You Don’t Have a Passion

This whole world seems to be screaming “follow your passion,” but you’re stuck.  You don’t have a passion.  You don’t have a one thing that translates into a career path.  You don’t have a fire in your belly for any certain college major or job