Author: Jen Kaina

Healthy Meal Options on Campus

Healthy Meal Options on Campus

Whether you live on campus, or commute for classes, it is important to know where the healthy meal options are for when you inevitably get hungry. It is important to make sure you incorporate plenty or fruits, vegetables, and protein into your daily diet.  Below 

Staying Away From Spring Allergies

Staying Away From Spring Allergies

Ahhhhh! That smell is in the air… The weather is FINALLY starting to change and the sense of summer is just around the corner. I mean, let’s be real, who doesn’t love to be outside when we (Midwesterners) see the thermometer hit 60 degrees for 

Travel Tips For The Air

Travel Tips For The Air

I recently took a three week academic trip out of the country to the United Kingdom with a class from UW-Whitewater. I am so very grateful for the opportunity and experiences I have received from this adventure! An aspect of this trip I had not previously thought about was the plane ride. Even though many international flights are decently comfortable, a plane ride is a plane ride. And typically, they can wear you down mentally and physically. Here are some ideas you can utilize next time you have a long flight and don’t want jet-lag.


Stretch: You may see some people doing this at the airports, and that is because it helps immensely with jet lag. It’ll help loosen your muscles and relax your joints for a more comfortable flight. I stretched for 15 to 20 minutes before my 7 hour flight, and I didn’t feel tight or achy afterwards.


Stay Hydrated: While you should always stay hydrated, it is even more important on a plane. Water will help your body adjust to the altitude change and help your stomach settle if you’re a queasy flyer.

Continue reading Travel Tips For The Air

Good For You, BAD For Your Cat

Good For You, BAD For Your Cat

It is important to remember that just because something is good for you, it does not mean that is also good for your cat. Below are just a few examples of common harmful substances for cats. Remember that it is not a complete list. Whenever