Author: Jen Kaina

Workout While You Work

Workout While You Work

Remember when summer was the most relaxing three months in the entire year? Can you think back to a time where the words summer and job did not coexist? Well I can, and I can assure you that it was much less stressful time. For 

New Hobbies, New Horizons.

New Hobbies, New Horizons.

I recently read that it is important to have three hobbies. One of these hobbies should make you money, one should encourage you to be creative, and the other should keep you in shape. As soon as I read this, I was immediately inspired. I 

Just Relax.

Just Relax.

relaxBeing a college student is stressful. Between school, exams, work, and other daily stresses, it is nearly impossible to avoid stress. Although stress in small doses can be very healthy and even helpful, there comes a certain point for every individual when the stress becomes overwhelming. All too often we take on more than we can handle and push ourselves past our breaking point. Unfortunately, we cannot just stop going to class, or refuse to take shifts at work. Instead, we need to set aside some time to relax. Relaxation is a crucial part of keeping your mind and body healthy, especially when you are under stress. Just in case you forgot how to relax, here are four of my favorite relaxation tips!

Sleep: Sleep is a crucial part of our lives and our health! It is recommended that adults get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. As a college student living in the dorms, I understand how difficult it can be to get this much sleep during the week. Between school, work, and socializing, sleep is easily forgotten. However, the next time you feel overwhelmed, I highly encourage you to get a full eight hours of sleep.

Do what you enjoy: This may sound silly, but way too often we forget to do things just because they make us happy. They might not serve any purpose besides being a source of relaxation, and that is absolutely okay! Do a puzzle, plan a trip, or watch your favorite movie if you know it will make you happy. In the future, remember to do the things you love whenever you are able to.

Go to the gym: Exercise is one of the best ways to relax for so many reasons. Sometimes, physically working off your stress can feel better than anything. It is also a great way to shift your mindset from your stressors to the task at hand. Whether you are lifting weights, doing cardio, or practicing yoga, exercise is a great way to relax your body and mind!

Nothing: Sometimes, the best way to reduce your stress levels is to do nothing at all. Instead, take a nap, watch some T.V. or listen to music. Taking some time to numb your mind is not always a bad thing.

Sometimes, stress hits us hard. Everything can be going smoothly, and then out of nowhere we are hit with a wave of stress. When this happens, remember to take a step back, breathe, and just relax.

|Stay motivated and don’t give up. Amazing things will happen|

Julia O’Connor


Don’t Study Too Hard     

Don’t Study Too Hard     

        With finals quickly approaching, so many of us are starting to really hit the books hard. Maybe that one class you skipped the fifth week of school turned into four classes you skipped, or maybe you just have a really difficult professor. Either way,