Author: Jen Kaina

Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks

The age-old tradition of spring cleaning, is age old for a good reason. It can actually be incredibly helpful not only for your health, but also your peace of mind when starting a new season. In this blog, we will give you plenty of reasons 

Essential Oils? What Can They Do For You?

Essential Oils? What Can They Do For You?

  Essential oils have become the new healing power for people with various medical issues. Whether they be used as scents to clear sinuses, lotions to moisturize skin, or be used simply as aromatherapies to improve relaxation, these plant-based oils have become impressively popular and 

10 Small Changes for Big Results

10 Small Changes for Big Results

Try to make some of these simple changes to improve your overall health.

1 Replace Refined Carbs

Instead of eating refined carbs like white rice and pasta, switch to whole grain options. Whole grains contain more nutrients and fiber. Whole grains can also help you feel full longer.

2 Stop Drinking Soda

Try to switch from drinking soda to unsweetened tea or water. Soda contains various unhealthy ingredients and is full of empty calories.

3 Step it up!

Set a goal for yourself to reach 10,000 steps a day or more. Try to make an effort to not sit for long periods of time.

4 Eat Slowly

            Eating slower can help you not eat as much. It takes your body about 20 minutes to realize you are full.

5 Get Some Sleep

Aim to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night. Getting the proper amount of sleep has various health benefits and can you not overeat the next day.

6 Take the Stairs

Try to make a conscious effort to take the stairs instead of heading for the elevator. Walking up a few flights of stair can be a great bit of physical activity during your day.

7 Eat More Veggies

Try to make the majority of your plate consist of vegetables. When possible, pair vegetables with whole grains and lean proteins. Eating mostly vegetables can provide you with essential nutrients and help you save on calories.

8 Do Activities

Make plans with friends or a significant other to go do something active. This is a way for you to do a fun activity that also benefits your body.

9 Eat at the Dinner Table

            Eating a table can help you focus on what you are eating and how much of it. Try to avoid mindlessly eating in front or the television or computer. Sitting at the table can help prevent you from over eating.

10 Limit Your Drinking

Alcohol can be very high in calories. Try to avoid overdrinking, which has many negative effects of your body. Think of having a drink, like you would be having a treat to prevent over indulging.


~All you can do is work to become a better you

~Sadie Wrobel

How to Use Less Garbage in Your Life

How to Use Less Garbage in Your Life

It is a well-known fact that the world is experiencing difficulties finding places and ways to dispose of the population’s garbage; we can view this dilemma as a way to better the world or better our way of life. This change is a way to