Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 16

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Warm Greetings, Optimists,

How ‘bout those Packers!? Any club members attend the game? Any stories to share if you attended?

  • Board members, we will have a meeting at 12 Noon on Tuesday, January 13 in UC 069. This meeting room is also located in the lower level of the UC. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.
  • Tuesday, January 20th will be a Youth of the Month meeting. We’ll meet in our usual location, UC 259A. Lunch will be catered that day, $7 per club member.
  • Wednesday, January 28 will be our evening meeting for the month. 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant.
  • I would appreciate any help lining up speakers for our January 20 and 28 meetings and the February 3, 17 & 24 meetings. I have a list of ideas for consideration along with any ideas you may have for speakers/topics. Your help in making one or two phone calls to secure speakers will be greatly appreciated by all.
  • Please note the information I sent out last week regarding Trivia Night on Feb. 20. Please help spread the word about the event, and to feel free to form a team.
    • Also, we are still looking for more helpers from 6:30pm – 10:00pm that evening. Please let me know if you are able to help out for even a portion of the evening.
    • A reminder also that I would appreciate any assistance to line up speakers for our January and February

That’s all for now.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 15

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Warm Greetings, Optimists,

Hope all of you had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Holiday Season.

Here are this week’s updates:

  • Our meeting tomorrow, January 6th, will be held in UC 068. This meeting room is on the lower level  of the UC, where we had lunch the day the World Drummers from LINCS performed for us. This will be a “bring your own lunch” meeting.
  • Our speaker for January 6th will be our own Kim Adams speaking about the February 20th Trivia Night event.
  • Board members, we will have a meeting at 12 Noon on Tuesday, January 13 in UC 069. This meeting room is also located in the lower level of the UC. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.
  • Tuesday, January 20th will be a Youth of the Month meeting. We’ll meet in our usual location, UC 259A. Lunch will be catered that day, $7 per club member.
  • Wednesday, January 28 will be our evening meeting for the month. 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant.
  • I would appreciate any help lining up speakers for our January 20 and 28 meetings and the February 3, 17 & 24 meetings. I have a list of ideas for consideration along with any ideas you may have for speakers/topics.

That’s all for the moment.


Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 10

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Greetings Everyone,

Hope you’re staying warm today! I see that Saturday’s forecast is “Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid-30s and lows in the upper 20s.” Should be an ok day for Breakfast with Santa, ticket taking at the Warhawk football playoff game in the early afternoon, and the UW-W Gala Holiday Concert in the evening.

We will be meeting tomorrow, December 2, at 12 Noon, in the University Center, room 259A. It will be a “bring your own lunch” meeting day. While you are enjoying lunch, our two interns for the fall semester, Alix Thornton and Amanda Kuspa, will be our presenters about their internship with the club and all that they did on our behalf. After Alix and Amanda are done, we’ll use the rest of the hour to stuff the goody bags for Breakfast with Santa. Mills dropped off the boxes of goodies in my office today. Come and help us out tomorrow.

I’ve attached the latest Breakfast with Santa helper signup sheet. Please review it. If you haven’t already signed up to help, please consider it. There are still a number of areas that could use more helpers. Decorations and equipment moving begin at 11:30 am on Friday, December 5 and decorating in Esker begins at 1:00 pm.

Our Warhawk Football Team continues to have success, so we will indeed need those football ticket takers who signed up for this Saturday, as well.  Kickoff against #5 ranked Wartburg College (my undergraduate alma mater) will be at 12:00 pm.

Next week there will be a Board meeting at 12 Noon on December 10. Our monthly evening meeting will also be December 10 at 5:00 pm at Jessica’s Restaurant. We had a great turnout at the November evening meeting and hope to see many of you on the 10th.

Monday, December 15 will be our annual “Toys for Kids” work evening. There will be more information to share with you this week.

Tuesday, December 16 will be our “Youth of the Month” lunch at 12 Noon, on campus in the University Center. Lunch will be catered and cost will be $7 per club member. Also, please bring mittens, gloves, hats, and/or scarves to this meeting as these items with be presented to school officials for our local children.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 8

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Greetings Everyone,

I’m confused… the calendar says it’s November but it feels like the middle of January outside!

For football fans in our little part of the world, this past weekend was pretty good, except for the down-to-the-wire comeback of the Warhawks, that was nerve racking!

We had a very nice turnout for last week’s evening meeting with 17 club members attending. Thanks everyone for attending. Our next evening meeting will be Wednesday, December 10 at 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant in downtown Whitewater.

As a follow up to Therese Kennedy’s email from earlier today:

  • Ticket takers are still needed for this Saturday’s football playoff game at Perkins Stadium.
  • Our club meeting this week is tomorrow, November 18, at 12:00 Noon in the UC. We will be in the lower level of the UC, not our usual meeting room. Join us at rooms 068 & 069. It will be Youth of the Month and our program will be the drummers from LINCS (Lincoln Elementary school) under the direction of Christine Hayes. Lunch cost is $7.

Remember, no meetings the week of November 24.

Denise Kaminski has been coordinating Breakfast with Santa for the last couple of weeks but is now out of commission for around 6 weeks. Many of you have already stepped up to help with tasks for December 6th  (THANKS!). Additional help is still needed and always appreciated. I’ve attached the signup sheet that Denise sent out last week. If you haven’t already signed up to help, please consider doing so and send the document back to me. WE COULD REALLY USE A “POINT PERSON” FOR SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6!

Our December 2 noon meeting on campus will include our two club interns speaking about their experience this semester AND we’ll be stuffing goody bags for Breakfast with Santa.

That’s all for the moment!

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749





Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 4

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Greetings Optimist,

It was a pretty good weekend for Warhawk and Packer football fans I’d say.

We have a 12:00pm meeting tomorrow, October 21, in the University Center, room 259A. We’ll welcome the Youth of the Month and our guest speaker will be Michelle Dujardin from the Whitewater Parks & Rec Department. Lunch will be provided by UWW Catering. Lunch cost is $7.00 per member attending.

Next week we’ll have a social gathering/party at Kim Adams and Angie Alesci’s home, 640 Stonefield Lane, Whitewater. Thursday October 30, 5-8 pm. Please bring a dish to pass. Thanks Kim and Angie for hosting!!

Denise Kaminski is working with Carol and Jim Miller and Connie Murray to gather and write the instructions/guidelines for Breakfast with Santa. Yes, it’s time to start thinking and planning for Breakfast with Santa 2014. Thanks Denise!! We’ll need someone to lead the planning process this year as our fearless leaders turn over the reins to someone else. We also need to begin a similar transition for the annual Gyro Stand that Barb and Duane Dickens have guided for many years.

Other events to put on your calendar include:

  • Youth Appreciation Week, November 3-6.
  • Club Meeting Tuesday, November 4, UC 275, lunch with Whitewater School District student leaders.
  • Board Meeting Tuesday, November 11.
  • Club meeting Tuesday, November 18 with Youth of the Month.
  • Club Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 2, Stuffing Breakfast with Santa Bags (most likely)
  • Dec. 5, Decorating for Breakfast with Santa at Esker Hall (most likely)
  • Dec. 6, 8am-11am, Breakfast with Santa at Esker Hall (most likely)
  • Dec. 8, “Gifts with a Meaning” at Club Meeting (most likely)
  • Dec. 15, Wrapping Gifts at Armory (most likely)

Also, a reminder that annual dues for the club are due this month. Be watching for an email reminder from Kate & Ken, club co-treasurers.

Share the Optimism,


UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 2

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Greetings Optimists,

Thank you to Kim Adams for her leadership of our club in 2013-14. And thank you to all of you for your commitment to our club, as well as to the ways in which you help serve our youth and our community.

Tomorrow is our first meeting of the new Optimist year but I guess technically it’s already week 2 of the new year.

Here is this week’s note:

Oct. 7, 12:00pm— UC 259A (our usual meeting place on campus) This will be a “Bring Your On Lunch” (BYOL) meeting. Guest speakers will be Eric Runez and Nathan Jaeger from the Whitewater Unified School District speaking about State of the Whitewater Unified School District and the upcoming referendum.

Oct. 14 — No club meeting but the first Board Meeting will be held. Time and location to be determined.

Oct. 21, 12:00pm – UC 259A. Youth of the Month with guest speaker. Lunch will be provided by UWW Catering. Lunch cost is $7.00 per member attending.

Who can help me line up speakers for our club meetings? I already have a list of possible topics but could use the help of one or two people to share phone calling and scheduling of speakers.

See many of you tomorrow!

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Club web site: http://blogs.uww.edu/uwwcommunityoptimist/

Optimist International web site: http://www.optimist.org/

Southern Wisconsinn District web site: http://www.swisdistrict.org/

UW-W Student Optimist Club: http://uwwstudentoptimist.blogspot.com/p/uw-w-student-optimist-club.html

Week 51, Optimist Club

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Good Evening, Optimists (even though it is after midnight)!

As I wind down from this beautiful weekend, I close this chapter of weekly Optimist emails. I do so with gratitude for the past twelve months and great enthusiasm for the next year.

First—gratitude for your dedication to our cub and to the youth of our community. Together, we have dedicated hundreds of hours to our group’s purpose–and to bringing smiles to many faces.

Second—enthusiasm for the possibilities we have for greater service for 2014-15.

I want to thank our small planning group and ALL of our members who helped with the “Back to School Rally”/NOW Meeting at the high school. It was a great success this past Wednesday. Six applications have resulted from the meeting. It is exciting to add all of these new members to our club. I have copied those who have turned in applications and those who committed to turning in applications very soon.

I am also excited that our club has two hard working and talented student interns (Alix and Amanda) who will assist our club this fall semester. They will be joining us for the banquet.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our installation banquet this Tuesday at the Cold Spring Inn. This is a reminder that the social begins at 5:30pm and the dinner and program will start at 6:00pm. Governor Elect Jeff Kuchenbecker will also be joining us.

We will have a noon meeting on Tuesday, October 7 in UC 259A. Please bring your own lunch. There will not be a club meeting the second week in October. On October 21, we will again have a noon meeting (which will be a Youth of the Month meeting). Lunch will be provided on this day. From here, our new president–Dave Halbach will be in touch!

For now, I will sign off…

With gratitude and Optimism,

Kim 


Week 49 Update, Optimist Club

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Happy Sunday, Optimists,

Here are just a few updates for our upcoming week.

I spoke with Connie Frida evening.  We are confirmed for the Cold Spring Inn for our Installation Banquet on Tuesday, Sept. 30.  Our social is scheduled for 5:30pm, with the dinner and program beginning at 6:00.  Information on our menu options and cost will come from the committee in the very near future. For now, please mark your calendars!

We have three applications for student interns for this fall.  Interviews with the three applicants will take place this week.  A few of us will be meeting with the interested students.

We have a meeting to finalize the Back to School/NOW meeting with the Whitewater School District this Wednesday.  If you are interested in making a dish to pass for the event, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 24 from 4:00pm – 5:30pm, please contact Jeanine.  Thank you to the 5-6 folks from our club who have already volunteered.  Members from the school district will also be contributing items for dinner.

Denise, Jan and I will be starting the planning for our Trivia Night, scheduled for Friday, Feb. 20 in the Hamilton Room.  As soon as the UW-W Student Club has their first meeting this week, we will also have a few students to work with on the co-sponsored event.

Our meeting this Tuesday will feature Youth of the Month, a representative from the UW-W Student Optimist Club, and a representative from Roberta’s Art Gallery.  Lunch will be provided by UW-W Catering this week since it is a Youth of the Month program.  Hope to see some of you on Tuesday at noon in UC 259A.  This will be our last noon meeting of the month.  Dave will be sending out a schedule for October in the near future.

Have a great week.  Let’s hope for some warmer weather again!

Kim 🙂

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