Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 5

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Hello Everyone!

What spectacular weather this past weekend! Hope your were able to enjoy time outside.

There is no Tuesday Noon meeting this week BUT we’ll have a social gathering/party at Kim Adams and Angie Alesci’s home, 640 Stonefield Lane, Whitewater, Thursday October 30, 5-8 pm. Please RSVP to either Kim or Angie if you will attend (you can copy their email address from the list of recipients of this email) Please bring a dish to pass. Thanks Kim and Angie for hosting!!

Next week, November 3-7, is Youth Appreciation Week. Earlier today Therese Kennedy sent out a signup list asking for helpers at the various events next week. Please review the signup form and reply directly back to Therese if you can help. If you didn’t receive the email with the signup sheet, contact me directly.

As part of Youth Appreciation Week, and since November 4th is the first Tuesday of the month, we’ll have our club meeting at 12 Noon in the UC and have lunch with the Whitewater School District student leaders from all 5 schools. The location with be UC 275, Old Main Ballroom on the 2nd floor. UW-W Catering will be providing lunch, cost is $7.00 per club member attending. Please RSVP Therese Kennedy if you’ll be attending the meeting that day.

Denise Kaminski is working with Carol and Jim Miller and Connie Murray to gather and write the instructions/guidelines for Breakfast with Santa. Yes, it’s time to start thinking and planning for Breakfast with Santa 2014. It’s also time to start recruiting replacements for Carol, Jim, and Connie, our longtime planners of this event. We also need a  replacement for Santa himself!! If you’re interested in assuming the role of Santa please let Denise Kaminski or Jim Miller know.

We also need someone to lead the planning process this year for the annual Gyro Stand that Barb and Duane Dickens have guided for many years.

The next Board meeting will be November 11. If any club members have an item for the Board to discuss please let me know.

A reminder that membership dues are due this month.

At the October board meeting we finalized our evening meeting schedule through September 2015. Evening meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 5:00pm. The format will be social, plus a little business and/or speaker. Jeanine Fassl is checking with Jessica’s Restaurant to see if they could host the meetings and allow individuals to order off the menu if they want.

The dates are:

o             For October 30, Kim and Angie will host a social at their home

o             November 12

o             December 10

o             January 28

o             February 25

o             March 18 or 25 (final decision to be made in January or February)

o             April 29

o             May 27

o             June 24

o             July 29

o             August 19

o             September 29 – banquet

That’s all for now!

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Week 39 Update, Optimist Club

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Greetings Optimists,

I send a great big Thank you to all who helped with the 4th of July Gyro Stand.  I have learned that $5,800 was taken in on gyro sales over the three days of the festivities.  This is a fantastic number given that the fair was one less day this year.  Kelly has already posted pictures and info on Facebook.  Barb also wanted me to inform the group that  there are four tubs of the gyro sauce for sale to any interested members.  Please contact Duane or Barb if you would like to purchase one.  Thanks, too, to those who were promoting our club at the event.  I understand from Brenda O’Beirne that there were two interested individuals.  I have already sent a follow-up email to them.

This Wednesday (July 9) is the Jefferson County Fair.  I know that Lou has emailed the schedule to all workers.  I am requesting that you check and re-check your availability to assist with any additional hours.  We are very short on help for the 10am-2pm and 2pm-6pm shifts.  Please consider asking family members, friends, and/or colleagues if to help out–even if it is for two hours at a time.  I have several “asks” out there, and will follow up with Don and Lou tomorrow. 

Our next board meeting is tomorrow (July 8) at 5:30pm at Jessica’s.  If you haven’t responded to me yet, please email me to indicate your attendance.  A review of finances, slate of officers for 2014-15, membership recruitment/letter to new teachers, and planning our trivia night for next year will be among our agenda items.

July 15 at 12 noon will be our next on-campus Optimist meeting in UC 259A.  Our guest speaker will be Steve Bertagnolli who will discuss our campus grounds–current and future projects.

We will have another paver painting gathering on Sunday, July 20 from 12pm-6pm at Kim and Angie’s House.  We have some orders to complete from Relay for Life.  Please email me to let me know if you would like to participate. We had a great time at our first session.  It’s a fun fellowship activity for sure!

Thanks–and enjoy your week!

Kim 🙂

Week 38 Update, Optimist Club

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Happy 4th of July Week, Optimists!

We have a lot happening these few weeks.  Here are the highlights:

June 28 –thank you to Jan and Kate for chairing our Relay for Life Team.  Thanks, too, for our other Optimists who supported our team by walking and staffing our site.  Don and Lou, Hans and Carla, Carla’s daughter and son, Angie, Kate’s daughters Shelli and Laura, Jim Mc. and I were all involved at different times.  Our intern Kelly also helped to set up our site–which included hauling all of the pavers.  I learned from Jan that our team came in third place with the fund raising, bringing in a total of $3,098!  Way to go team.

This Tuesday (July 1), we will have a meeting to set up and clean the gyro stand at Cravath Lake.  We will also have an informal social meeting and will order food the the crew.  Duane will send out an updated work schedule for the 4th of July festivities this week.  Duane–could you please confirm what time you would like folks to show up?  THANKS!

On Wednesday, July 9, we will be staffing the Jefferson County Fair (for “Kids’ Day).  PLEASE check your calendars to see if you can volunteer for even a few hours.  There are still many open slots and we can’t put all of the pressure on the Zahn family to staff the entire event.  I have reattached the sign up sheet for the fair.

Kelly is doing a great job sending out updates on club activities via Facebook.  She just sent out another update.  Feel free to check it out!

Our next board meeting is Tuesday, July 8 at 5:30pm at Jessica’s.  If you haven’t responded to me yet, please email me to indicate your attendance.

July 15 at 12 noon will be our next on-campus Optimist meeting in UC 259A.  Our guest speaker will be Steve Bertagnolli who will discuss our campus grounds–current and future projects.

We will have another paver painting gathering on Sunday, July 20 from 12pm-6pm at Kim and Angie’s House.  We have some orders to complete from Relay for Life yesterday.  Please email me to let me know if you would like to participate. We had a great time last Sunday.  It’s a fun fellowship activity.

Thank you–and Happy 4th!

Kim 🙂

Week 37 Update, Optimist Club

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Happy first full day of summer!

We had a great day June 22 painting pavers for Relay for Life—which is scheduled for this Saturday, June 28 at Whitewater High School. Thank you to Angie for organizing the paver party. Special thanks to all of our creative participants: Angie, Kate and her daughter Shelli, Jan, our friend Edie, Angie’s sister Monica and her daughter Anna, our intern Kelly and her sister Bridget. I enjoyed being part of the process, as well. I have attached a few photos. Kelly will be putting some of the photos from our activity on Facebook within the next few days. I have shared 46 photos in Dropbox.

Please remember that we have an evening meeting June 24 at 5:30pm at the Lakefront Pub. This is also the banker’s night for Relay for Life. Jan or Kate will be stopping by our club meeting for a short time to collect any final donations for Relay for Life, and then they will head off to turning in our money.

The gyro stand and Jefferson County Fair are also just around the corner. Thank you to the coordinators of these important fund raising activities for our club and to all of our hard working participants!

Board members, please respond to the note I sent out on Friday regarding our upcoming board meeting on July 8 at 5:30pm at Jessica’s. Thank you to Jeanine and Angie for putting together our slate of officers for 2014-15.

See many of you soon.

In Optimism,

Kim 🙂

Updated Gyro Stand Schedule

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Please see the Gyro Stand Schedule 20140616 and if you have signed up please be sure you are there on time or come a little early to review what needs to be done.

Thank you and if you have not had an opportunity to sign up we would welcome you any time.


Week 36 Update, Optimist Club

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Greetings Optimists,

This will be a short update as I am out of town this week.

Please note that we do not have a meeting this Tuesday. Our next meeting will be on June 24 from 5:30pm-7:00pm at the Lakefront Pub.

Anyone wishing to join Angie and me with painting pavers for Relay for Life, feel free to stop by (our home) anytime between 10am-6pm on Sunday, June 22 to share your creativity. Lunch will be provided, as will the pavers, paints and brushes for our project.

We still need fundraising and walkers for our club’s Relay for Life team on Saturday, June 28. Kelly Holck will be assisting with putting our list of volunteers together.

On Tuesday, July 1, we will also have an evening meeting at Cravath Lake at the Gyro Stand–while we clean up the trailer and get it ready for the 4th of July activities. Please plan on 5:00pm for this gathering. We will be ordering sub sandwiches this evening. More info to come next week. Duane will also send a updated Gyro Stand sign up sheet. Helpers are still needed for the three-day event.

Finally, please see the attached Jefferson County Fair Sign Up 2014. Don and Lou are also seeking additional helpers for the afternoon and evening shifts. PLEASE check your calendars and let them know if you are able to cover a shift. We will take help of club members, family members and friends of our club. It is important that we fill the time slots.

Thanks–and have a great week,

Kim 🙂

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