Week 14 Update, Optimist Club

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Warm Greetings, Optimists,

What a nice surprise to see 40 degrees today!

Here are this week’s updates:

Our meeting tomorrow will be held in the Old Main Ballroom, UC 275A. Thank you to Jeanine who will once again facilitate the meeting since I will be in LEAP workshops all day tomorrow and Wednesday.

Our guest speaker will be Denise Kaminski on her family travels in Europe. Next week, we will hear from two guest speakers on the preparations for WellFest in March.

We have a new and exciting fund raiser coming up on Friday, Feb. 21 in the Hamilton Room at 7:00pm. This will be a Trivia Night–fun for the whole family. Light refreshments and childcare will be provided at the event. A silent auction will also accompany the Trivia Night. This event will be a collaborative effort with the UW-W Student Optimist Club–and a fair to good amount of planning has already taken place. Funds raised from the event will help support the shipping of an ambulance to Burkina Faso, Africa, as well as to support the Whitewater Unified School District Family Emergency Fund. A sign up sheet will be circulated at the meeting and then also sent out via email.

Denise is seeking helpers to sell quilt raffle tickets at upcoming UW-W home basketball games. If you are available/interested to assist in this way, we would greatly appreciate it. All proceeds from the quilt raffle will be donated to the Whitewater Food Pantry. The quilt will be raffled off at the Trivia Night on February 21.

Board members, we will have a meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 15 in UC 260. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.

There are a couple of blood drives that are coming up that Jeanine will further discuss with members. They are scheduled for Jan. 24 (Armory) and Jan. 31 (Esker). There is quite a shortage of blood right now, so if you are able to donate, please consider doing so.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling,

Kim 🙂


Week 10 Update, Optimist Club

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December Greetings, Optimists,

It is the week for preparing for Breakfast with Santa.  We will be stuffing goodie bags at the club meeting today, and decorating at Esker will begin at 12:00pm on Friday.  Our festive event will run from 8:00am – 11:00am on Saturday.

Our Warhawk Football Team continues to have success, so we will indeed need those football ticket takers who signed up for this Saturday, as well.  Kickoff against Linfield will be at 12:00pm.

On Monday, December 9, we will have an Optimist Holiday Social at the Lakefront Pub (in the Whitewater Room), from 5:30pm-7:00om.  We will order off the menu for dinner.  Jeanine and I hope to see several folks there.  Feel free to bring friends and family members.

Dec 10 will feature our “Gifts with a Meaning,” so if you wish, please bring a toy, book or stuffed animal that represents you and one of your interests/hobbies.  For new members, please bring it unwrapped.

Dec. 16 will include our annual wrapping of the gifts for kids in our community.  Please come out to the Armory if you have an hour or two to spare.

Please bring mittens, gloves, hats, and/or scarves to our meeting on Dec. 17 as these items with be presented to school officials for our local children.

Thanks for all the ways you contribute to our December activities.

Kim 🙂

RE: Week 3, Optimist Club

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Happy Monday Optimists,

Here is our Week 3 Update:

Our guest Speaker tomorrow (Oct. 15) is Jess Walz on Baboons in Africa.

Oct. 18–Football ticket taking, UW-W vs. UW-EC; student appreciation night.

Oct. 22–IMPORTANT Business Meetings.  Please plan to be a part of the discussion, including the planning of financial resources.

Oct. 25–Cleaning of Storage Room.  Who is able to help from 3:00-5:30pm?  Please RSVP to Kim–even if you can help for a short time.  Many hands make light work.

Thanks and see some of you soon,

Kim 🙂

Week 2, Optimist Club

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Good Evening Optimist Members,

Here is this week’s brief update:

Our guest speaker for Oct. 8 will be Larry West on “Attracting Young Go-Getters.”

Board members, please send your feedback for the 2013-14 budget to Denise by Oct. 15.

Please note that we will have an important business meeting on Oct. 22.  All are encouraged to attend and weigh in on some important decisions.

We will have a storage room cleaning session on Friday, Oct. 25 from 3:00pm-5:30pm.  Please email me if you are able to assist.  We will also pass around a sign up sheet at the next few meetings.

We hope to continue to see new faces at our meetings.  Please continue to invite guests.

Thank you for your dedication to our club,

Kim 🙂

New Optimist Year Begins – September 30, 2013

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Greetings Optimists,

Tomorrow begins our new Optimist year.

Thank you again to Jan and Mike for their leadership of our club in 2012-13.  And…thank you to all of you for your commitment to our club, as well as to the ways in which you help serve our youth and our community.

Marijuana and I are looking forward to a great year.  Please watch for short emails once per week about various club updates.

Here is this week’s note:

Oct. 1, 12:00pm—Guest speaker Tyler Salisbury from the Black Sheep.

Oct. 1, 5:15pm—First Board Meeting at Rick and Jeanine Fassl’s home (Thank you, Fassls!).

At our Installation Banquet last Tuesday, members committed to inviting guests to our meetings.  Please remember to extend an invitation to friends, family members and colleagues.  I have two guests coming tomorrow who are looking forward to learning more about our club.

More updates to come soon.

See many of you tomorrow!

In Optimism,

Kim 🙂

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