Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 16

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Warm Greetings, Optimists,

How ‘bout those Packers!? Any club members attend the game? Any stories to share if you attended?

  • Board members, we will have a meeting at 12 Noon on Tuesday, January 13 in UC 069. This meeting room is also located in the lower level of the UC. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.
  • Tuesday, January 20th will be a Youth of the Month meeting. We’ll meet in our usual location, UC 259A. Lunch will be catered that day, $7 per club member.
  • Wednesday, January 28 will be our evening meeting for the month. 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant.
  • I would appreciate any help lining up speakers for our January 20 and 28 meetings and the February 3, 17 & 24 meetings. I have a list of ideas for consideration along with any ideas you may have for speakers/topics. Your help in making one or two phone calls to secure speakers will be greatly appreciated by all.
  • Please note the information I sent out last week regarding Trivia Night on Feb. 20. Please help spread the word about the event, and to feel free to form a team.
    • Also, we are still looking for more helpers from 6:30pm – 10:00pm that evening. Please let me know if you are able to help out for even a portion of the evening.
    • A reminder also that I would appreciate any assistance to line up speakers for our January and February

That’s all for now.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 15

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Warm Greetings, Optimists,

Hope all of you had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Holiday Season.

Here are this week’s updates:

  • Our meeting tomorrow, January 6th, will be held in UC 068. This meeting room is on the lower level  of the UC, where we had lunch the day the World Drummers from LINCS performed for us. This will be a “bring your own lunch” meeting.
  • Our speaker for January 6th will be our own Kim Adams speaking about the February 20th Trivia Night event.
  • Board members, we will have a meeting at 12 Noon on Tuesday, January 13 in UC 069. This meeting room is also located in the lower level of the UC. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.
  • Tuesday, January 20th will be a Youth of the Month meeting. We’ll meet in our usual location, UC 259A. Lunch will be catered that day, $7 per club member.
  • Wednesday, January 28 will be our evening meeting for the month. 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant.
  • I would appreciate any help lining up speakers for our January 20 and 28 meetings and the February 3, 17 & 24 meetings. I have a list of ideas for consideration along with any ideas you may have for speakers/topics.

That’s all for the moment.


Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 7

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Hi Everyone,

The Board members will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, November 11 at Noon in the University Center, room 260. I’ll provide a recap of the meeting at our Wednesday evening meeting, along with Breakfast with Santa and Trivia Night updates.

A reminder that this week’s meeting will be Wednesday evening, November 12, 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant.

Next week’s Tuesday meeting will be something out of the ordinary. I have moved the lunch for the Optimist Club on November 18 to University Center rooms 068 & 069 in the lower level. That will give us enough space for the drummers from LINCS, the Youth of the Month students, guests, and staff from the WMS (I think it’s WMS, or else WHS), and the expected 12-16 club members. Lunch will begin at 12:00 PM, served from a buffet line in room 069. Guests and members can disperse between the two rooms to eat at the 8 tables shared between the rooms.

At about 12:20 I’ll ask everyone to move to the Summers Auditorium for the program.

  1. We’ll begin with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Then I’ll have club related announcements.
  3. We’ll introduce the two Youth of the Month and their guests and take a few pictures.
  4. About 12:30-12:35 the drummers from LINCS, under the direction of Christine Hayes, will begin.
  5. 12:55, wrap up and saying of the Club creed.
  6. Dismissal by 1:00pm.

With the Warhawk football team at least earning the automatic NCAA playoff bid, the campus will likely be hosting one or more playoff games. Be on the lookout for ticket taking signup info coming out this week or early next week.

That’s all for now.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 5

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Hello Everyone!

What spectacular weather this past weekend! Hope your were able to enjoy time outside.

There is no Tuesday Noon meeting this week BUT we’ll have a social gathering/party at Kim Adams and Angie Alesci’s home, 640 Stonefield Lane, Whitewater, Thursday October 30, 5-8 pm. Please RSVP to either Kim or Angie if you will attend (you can copy their email address from the list of recipients of this email) Please bring a dish to pass. Thanks Kim and Angie for hosting!!

Next week, November 3-7, is Youth Appreciation Week. Earlier today Therese Kennedy sent out a signup list asking for helpers at the various events next week. Please review the signup form and reply directly back to Therese if you can help. If you didn’t receive the email with the signup sheet, contact me directly.

As part of Youth Appreciation Week, and since November 4th is the first Tuesday of the month, we’ll have our club meeting at 12 Noon in the UC and have lunch with the Whitewater School District student leaders from all 5 schools. The location with be UC 275, Old Main Ballroom on the 2nd floor. UW-W Catering will be providing lunch, cost is $7.00 per club member attending. Please RSVP Therese Kennedy if you’ll be attending the meeting that day.

Denise Kaminski is working with Carol and Jim Miller and Connie Murray to gather and write the instructions/guidelines for Breakfast with Santa. Yes, it’s time to start thinking and planning for Breakfast with Santa 2014. It’s also time to start recruiting replacements for Carol, Jim, and Connie, our longtime planners of this event. We also need a  replacement for Santa himself!! If you’re interested in assuming the role of Santa please let Denise Kaminski or Jim Miller know.

We also need someone to lead the planning process this year for the annual Gyro Stand that Barb and Duane Dickens have guided for many years.

The next Board meeting will be November 11. If any club members have an item for the Board to discuss please let me know.

A reminder that membership dues are due this month.

At the October board meeting we finalized our evening meeting schedule through September 2015. Evening meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 5:00pm. The format will be social, plus a little business and/or speaker. Jeanine Fassl is checking with Jessica’s Restaurant to see if they could host the meetings and allow individuals to order off the menu if they want.

The dates are:

o             For October 30, Kim and Angie will host a social at their home

o             November 12

o             December 10

o             January 28

o             February 25

o             March 18 or 25 (final decision to be made in January or February)

o             April 29

o             May 27

o             June 24

o             July 29

o             August 19

o             September 29 – banquet

That’s all for now!

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 4

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Greetings Optimist,

It was a pretty good weekend for Warhawk and Packer football fans I’d say.

We have a 12:00pm meeting tomorrow, October 21, in the University Center, room 259A. We’ll welcome the Youth of the Month and our guest speaker will be Michelle Dujardin from the Whitewater Parks & Rec Department. Lunch will be provided by UWW Catering. Lunch cost is $7.00 per member attending.

Next week we’ll have a social gathering/party at Kim Adams and Angie Alesci’s home, 640 Stonefield Lane, Whitewater. Thursday October 30, 5-8 pm. Please bring a dish to pass. Thanks Kim and Angie for hosting!!

Denise Kaminski is working with Carol and Jim Miller and Connie Murray to gather and write the instructions/guidelines for Breakfast with Santa. Yes, it’s time to start thinking and planning for Breakfast with Santa 2014. Thanks Denise!! We’ll need someone to lead the planning process this year as our fearless leaders turn over the reins to someone else. We also need to begin a similar transition for the annual Gyro Stand that Barb and Duane Dickens have guided for many years.

Other events to put on your calendar include:

  • Youth Appreciation Week, November 3-6.
  • Club Meeting Tuesday, November 4, UC 275, lunch with Whitewater School District student leaders.
  • Board Meeting Tuesday, November 11.
  • Club meeting Tuesday, November 18 with Youth of the Month.
  • Club Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 2, Stuffing Breakfast with Santa Bags (most likely)
  • Dec. 5, Decorating for Breakfast with Santa at Esker Hall (most likely)
  • Dec. 6, 8am-11am, Breakfast with Santa at Esker Hall (most likely)
  • Dec. 8, “Gifts with a Meaning” at Club Meeting (most likely)
  • Dec. 15, Wrapping Gifts at Armory (most likely)

Also, a reminder that annual dues for the club are due this month. Be watching for an email reminder from Kate & Ken, club co-treasurers.

Share the Optimism,


UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Week 49 Update, Optimist Club

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Happy Sunday, Optimists,

Here are just a few updates for our upcoming week.

I spoke with Connie Frida evening.  We are confirmed for the Cold Spring Inn for our Installation Banquet on Tuesday, Sept. 30.  Our social is scheduled for 5:30pm, with the dinner and program beginning at 6:00.  Information on our menu options and cost will come from the committee in the very near future. For now, please mark your calendars!

We have three applications for student interns for this fall.  Interviews with the three applicants will take place this week.  A few of us will be meeting with the interested students.

We have a meeting to finalize the Back to School/NOW meeting with the Whitewater School District this Wednesday.  If you are interested in making a dish to pass for the event, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 24 from 4:00pm – 5:30pm, please contact Jeanine.  Thank you to the 5-6 folks from our club who have already volunteered.  Members from the school district will also be contributing items for dinner.

Denise, Jan and I will be starting the planning for our Trivia Night, scheduled for Friday, Feb. 20 in the Hamilton Room.  As soon as the UW-W Student Club has their first meeting this week, we will also have a few students to work with on the co-sponsored event.

Our meeting this Tuesday will feature Youth of the Month, a representative from the UW-W Student Optimist Club, and a representative from Roberta’s Art Gallery.  Lunch will be provided by UW-W Catering this week since it is a Youth of the Month program.  Hope to see some of you on Tuesday at noon in UC 259A.  This will be our last noon meeting of the month.  Dave will be sending out a schedule for October in the near future.

Have a great week.  Let’s hope for some warmer weather again!

Kim 🙂

Week 48 Update, Optimist Club

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Good Evening Optimists,

I hope you enjoyed the spectacular weather this weekend.

Thank you to our football ticket takers on Friday night.  What a victory for our Warhawks.  We’re off to a great start for the 2014 season!

Thank you to the committee that is planning our installation celebration.  There will be an update at our Tuesday club meeting.  Information will also be sent out to the club members very soon.

Our club meeting this week will be in UC 259A.  Please remember to bring your own lunch.  Angie and I will be your guest speakers on our participation in the Yellowstone Travel Study experience.  We have some fun stories, nice photos and artifacts to share with the group–as well as an OI Foundation gift for one lucky winner!

We will be selecting a new intern for our club within the next two weeks.  Also, planning continues for our Back to School Rally/NOW Meeting for the Whitewater Unified School District on Sept. 24.  I hope that some of you will be able to join us for this gathering.  We have heard that at least 25 faculty/staff have already signed up for this meeting.

Board members, please remember that we have a joint board meeting this Tuesday from 5:30pm-7:00pm at Jessica’s. Thank you to all who have replied for the meeting.

See many of you soon,

Kim 🙂

Week 46 Update, Optimist Club

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Happy Fall Semester Optimists,

It is hard to believe that August is ending and and the start up of the new academic year is just around the corner.

Thank you to Jeanine, Dave, Denise, Jan, and Kelly H. who have kept things rolling in forward motion on many accounts. Jeanine and I spoke last night–just hours after my return from out west.  Here are a few important updates:

*  We do not have a meeting this week.  We also will not meet next Tuesday (since it is right after Labor Day–and it is the week that classes begin)

*  Our September meeting schedule is as follows–Sept. 9, 12pm meeting, UC 259A;  Sept. 16, 12pm meeting, UC 259A; Sept. 24 (Wed), 4-5pm Back to School Pep Rally/Optimist NOW Meeting at Whitewater High School, Multipurpose Room; Sept. 30, Installation Celebration–time and location to be announced.  Thank you to Mills, Connie, Rick, Hans and Carla for volunteering to coordinate our Installation evening.  More information will be sent out very soon regarding the details of our September meetings and the Installation event.

*  An evite has been sent to folks in the Whitewater Unified School District regarding our NOW meeting for September 24.  We will also be getting invitations sent to our members.  We will be counting on the support, attendance, and some assistance with food for this event.  Our planning team is very excited about the opportunities to recruit several new members from the school system.  We are very grateful to have the support of the District administration and to have the full involvement of members Joe Lynch and Lanora Heim!

*  Dave and I facilitated an information table about our cub at the Faculty/Staff involvement Fair today on campus–just prior to the Chancellor’s “State of the University Address.”  I am happy to report that 8 new faculty/staff signed up to learn more about our club.  Our follow up with these individuals will be very important.

*  Therese has been sending out emails regarding football ticket taking for fall 2014.  We only have four home football games–so we’ll have to really keep our fingers crossed for some more home-field advantage in the post season.  Please look at your calendars to see if you can fill any of the regular season slots that are still open.

*  Dave will be coordinating an ACPC meeting in the next two weeks.  All outgoing and incoming board members can expect more information from Dave in the near future.

I will sign off for now.  Please enjoy the six attached photos from our travel study trip to Yellowstone.  I look forward to giving a program about the trip in the near future.  Hopefully Angie will be able to join in the effort!  It was an amazing learning experience.

Have a great week–and please keep the Burkina Faso group in your thoughts as they make their way home on Wednesday, August 27!

Always in Optimism,

Kim 🙂

P.S.  Please use this email list as I have now added in Lanora Heim.  Thanks!

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