Happy Monday, Optimists!
I know this note is reaching you later than usual. I hope many of you enjoyed the exciting events of Super Bowl LI.
Here are some Optimist updates for this week:
Our Club meeting is tomorrow at 12:00pm in UC 266 with Josh Duesterbeck from Thrivent Financial serving as our guest speaker. He has some interesting information regarding ways of partnering with community organizations.
Please see the list of speakers that Dave has shared for the next month:
February 7, 2017, Josh Deusterbach, Thrivent
February 21, 2017, Brenda O’Beirne, Counselor Ed Dept award
February 28, 2017, Jeremy Lade & Christina Schwab, Wheelchair basketball
March 7, 2017, Jan Bilgen, Campus Memory Garden
Jenny is trying to finalize a first-round clothing order for Club members. She has 13 folks on the list and is planning to place the order very soon so that we have the items here in time for Trivia Night. If you ordered an item, please bing your money to the Club meeting, or get it to Jenny, Kate or Kim within the next 10 days.
Next week, we do not have a Club meeting. The board will meet from 5:00pm – 6:00pm at Jessica’s on Wednesday, February 15. Brandon and Kim will share updates regarding where we are at with the Club Policies project (3 sections will be shared). It will also be good to touch base on the Easter Egg Hunt, Fishing Derby and the Gyro Stand. Also, we have had some folks in the community asking about the Optimist/City-Wide Rummage Sale. We will add this item to agenda to confirm our decision.
Lastly, we could still use some help with Optimist Trivia Night on Friday, February 17. Please email Lanora or Kim if you are able to volunteer a few hours during the evening. We have 30 teams signed up and lots of great Silent Auction items. Our goal is to raise $11,000–and it seems reasonable to reach our goal (based on number of participants and items available). Now, we just need the helpers! Please double-check your availability. Thanks so much!
Late last week was International Optimist Day. Thank you for all the ways you serve our community as Optimists and engaged citizens. Your commitment to serving our youth and local/regional community is greatly appreciated.
See many of your soon!
Kim and Angie 🙂