Optimist Club 2014-15, week of July 13

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Greetings Optimist!!

No club meeting this week on Tuesday! The next general club meeting will be Tuesday, July 21 at 12 Noon.

There WILL BE an exec board meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, July 14 at 12 Noon in the University Center, room 260. If you have any agenda items for the board, please get them to me ASAP.

Lou and Don Zahn asked me to share the following with all of you. “Thanks to all of you who worked at the Jefferson County Fair. We had a good weather day and everything went smoothly. Thanks, especially to those who worked two shifts. It is greatly appreciated.”

On to other Optimist business:

  • It’s that time of the Club year to begin organizing the slate of officers for 2015-16. At this time no one has yet volunteered for any of the exec board positions. How about an Exec Board position? Perhaps one that you’ve not held in the past? Please consider volunteering to be an officer for 2015-16. “Many hands make light work.”
  • Our Facebook page now has 92 “Likes!”
  • Hopefully you saw the announcement from Southern Wisconsin District about JIM KONDRASUK who was elected 15-16 Optimist International President Elect and who will be the future 2016-17 Optimist International President. The link to the SWIS district web page is at the bottom of this email if you would like to follow up.
  • Also from the SWIS district was the email announcement about Optimist Day at Miller Park! Saturday, August 15th Brewers take on the Phillies – 6:10PM. Again check your email or the SWIS district web site for details.

Speakers for upcoming meetings are:

  • Tuesday, July 21, 12 Noon, Lee Murray, friend of Hans Hahn and Carla Cheek, will speak about his “Honor Flight” experience.
  • Wednesday, July 29, to be determined. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?

Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:

  • Tuesday, July 21, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Wednesday, July 29, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
  • Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm, location to be determined.
  • Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Catered lunch??? Youth of the Month??
  • Tuesday, September, 29, evening banquet, date/time/location to be determined.

That’s all for the moment.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, week of July 6

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Greetings Optimist!!

No club meeting this week on Tuesday! With last weekend’s gyro stand and this week’s Jefferson County Fair ticket selling, we could all use one less meeting.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED WITH THE GYRO STAND!! From initial cleaning to selling to final cleaning, it was once again a whole club effort for this event. With the last minute volunteering efforts of Bev Bonge-Ganser and Kate and Ken Ksobiech, we were able to have a full staff on Saturday evening from 8pm to close. We also had 2 UW-W students work for the club at the stand. Also, Kate and Ken bought assorted candy for selling that we added to our menu. The stand ran out of gyro meat about 10:15pm on Saturday evening which was great timing!

Our next fund raiser is this week, the Jefferson County Fair. While we are in good shape overall, there were a few slots left to be staffed according to Lou and Don Zahn. If you haven’t already signed up to work the Fair on Wednesday, July 8, please contact Lou and Don by email to find out times and locations where we could still use workers. One day of work with all of the shifts filled really helps the club programming budget.

On to other Optimist business:

  • What would YOU like to do next year to contribute? It’s that time of the Club year to begin organizing the slate of officers for 2015-16. How about an Exec Board position? Perhaps one that you’ve not held in the past? Please consider volunteering to be an officer for 2015-16. “Many hands make light work.”
  • Tuesday, July 7, NO CLUB MEETING.
  • Our Facebook page now has 90 “Likes!”
  • The Exec Board will meet next week, Tuesday, July 14, at Noon.

Speakers for upcoming meetings are:

  • Tuesday, July 21, 12 Noon, Lee Murray, friend of Hans Hahn and Carla Cheek, will speak about his “Honor Flight” experience.
  • Wednesday, July 29, to be determined. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?
  • Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas?

Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:

  • Tuesday, July 7, NO MEETING!
  • Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Jefferson County Fair ticket selling.
  • Tuesday, July 21, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Wednesday, July 29, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
  • Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm, location to be determined.
  • Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Catered lunch??? Youth of the Month??
  • Tuesday, September, 29, evening banquet, date/time/location to be determined.

That’s all for the moment.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, week of May 11

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Greetings Optimist!!

NO GENERAL CLUB MEETING THIS WEEK!! However, there will be a Board meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12 at 12 Noon in the University Center, room 260 (the usual Board meeting location).

Be sure to read through the expanded “dates” section below. I’ve included info regarding summer meetings and locations. Note the location for next week’s meeting, UC 068!

Remember, this Thursday, May 14 there will be a “going away” party at the Whitewater Country Club for Denise and Kevin Kaminski!! Hope many of you can make it to thank Denise for her years of service to the club and participation on the board.

On to other Optimist business:

  • The Club is looking for new co-chairs for the upcoming Gyro Stand. Who can help Duane and Barb Dickens with the arrangements and scheduling for this coming July? Please contact Duane or Barb directly or let me know if you would like to co-chair this event. It’s very important for the Club!!!!  I can provide a copy of the event planning guidelines that Duane has written if that would help you make up your mind.
  • What would YOU like to do next year to contribute? It’s that time of the Optimist Club year to begin thinking about a slate of officers for 2015-16. How about an Exec Board position? Perhaps one that you’ve not held  in the past? Please begin thinking about volunteering to be an officer for 2015-16. “Many hands make light work.”
  • I have updated the web site to include a posting and links about the 11th Annual City-wide Rummage Sale on May 16. Click for the information flyer and application.
  • I’ve also updated the Club’s Facebook page to include links about the Rummage Sale. The message has reached 167 people on Facebook since I posted it.
  • Regarding the Gyro Stand trailer, we at least have a short-term storage location due to Mike Ciardo’s help but are looking for a long-term storage location at no-cost or very low cost. Let any of the Board Members know if you have a place/suggestion.

Speakers for upcoming meetings are:

  • Tuesday, May 19, Youth of the Month from Whitewater Middle School and Greg Swanson, campus Director of Facilities Planning and Management, speaking about the campus master plan for the future.
  • Wednesday, May 27, Speaker has cancelled. Any ideas? (5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant)
  • Tuesday, June 2, any ideas?
  • Tuesday, June 16, any ideas?

Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:

  • Saturday, May 16, City-Wide Rummage Sale.
  • Tuesday, May 19, UC 068, 12 Noon-1pm, General Member Club meeting, catered lunch, $7.00/member.
  • Wednesday, May 27, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
  • Wednesday, May 27, Whitewater High School Scholarship Night.
  • Tuesday, June 2, UC 259A, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Saturday, June 6, Fishing Derby
  • Tuesday, June 16, UC 259A, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Wednesday, June 24, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
  • Thursday, July 2-Sunday, July 5, Gyro Stand at Whitewater 4th of July Celebration.
  • Tuesday, July 7, NO MEETING!
  • Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Jefferson County Fair ticket selling.
  • Tuesday, July 21, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Wednesday, July 29, Jessica’s Restaurant, 5pm, dinner on your own.
  • Tuesday, August 4, UC 264, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Tuesday, August 18, 12 Noon-1pm, location to be determined.
  • Tuesday, September 8, Esker Hall room 119, 12 Noon-1pm, “bring your own lunch.”
  • Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Catered lunch??? Youth of the Month??
  • Tuesday, September, 29, evening banquet, date/time/location to be determined.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, week of April 20

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Greetings Optimist!!

Don’t you just love the ups and downs of spring weather! At least this past weekend was nice and the upcoming weekend looks pretty good also. That’s my “optimistic” outlook for today.

On to Optimist business:

  • This week’s meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21 at 12 Noon.  We will meet in UC 266 due a request from the Chancellor’s Office to use our regular meeting room. Lunch will be catered, cost is $7 for club members. It will also be Youth of the Month. Our speaker will be Deb Weberpal, Senior Coordinator for the Seniors in the Park program in Whitewater.
  • Duane Dickens reminded me this morning that the club is in need of a no-cost or low-cost storage location for the Gyro trailer! And we need a new site within the next week!!!! Denise Kaminski and her husband will no longer be able to store the trailer at their home. If you have a location or idea for future trailer storage please let the officers know. Thanks Denise (and Kevin) for storing the trailer for the last few years!
  • Need help around the house or yard for spring cleaning? Hire a UW-W Student Optimist!
  • A message from the UW-W Student Optimist Club and Kim Adam’s Service Learning Class “ We are still in need of donations for the birthday box project.  Things such as birthday cake mix, candles, streamers, wrapping paper, balloons, party hats, birthday cards, party plates, party napkins, gluten free and sugar free items. We are asking for all donations to be dropped off by April 21st to Kim (Adams).”
  • The UW-W Student Optimist club is collecting children’s school playground equipment such as Kick Balls, Soccer Balls, Basketballs, Footballs, Frisbees, and Jump Ropes. If you would like to help donate please review the information flyer at our website.
  • It’s that time of the Optimist Club year to begin thinking about a slate of officers for 2015-16. What would YOU like to do next year to contribute? How about an Exec Board position? Perhaps one that you’ve not held  in the past? Please begin thinking about volunteering to be an officer for 2015-16. “Many hands make light work.”
  • I have created a Club calendar using Google Calendar. It’s only useful if there is lots of information so feel free to add club related events to the calendar for the future. This includes starting dates to plan/organize club events such as Whitewater High School scholarship reviewing, food ordering for the Gyro Stand, etc.
  • Have you looked for the Exec board minutes? Click the “Club Documents” link to find many of uploaded club documents, including minutes of the Exec Board.

Speakers for upcoming meetings are:

  • Tuesday, April 21, Deb Weberpal, Senior Coordinator for the Seniors in the Park program in Whitewater.
  • Wednesday, April 29, Judy Harms, Whitewater High School Girls Basketball Head Coach (5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant)
  • Tuesday, May 5, Cameron Clapper, Whitewater City Manager.
  • Tuesday, May 19, Tami McCullough, UW-W Campus Facilities Planner.
  • Wednesday, May 27, Karen Wislocki, Director of the UW-W Intensive English Institute. (5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant)

Dates for upcoming club events include:

  • Friday, May 8, 1:55pm, Whitewater High School Awards, the Club presents the Optimist Female Athlete of the Year.
  • Saturday, May 16, City-Wide Rummage Sale.
  • Wednesday, May 27, Whitewater High School Scholarship Night.
  • Saturday, June 6, Fishing Derby
  • Thursday, July 2-Sunday, July 5, Gyro Stand at Whitewater 4th of July Celebration.
  • Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Jefferson County Fair ticket selling.


Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 16

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Warm Greetings, Optimists,

How ‘bout those Packers!? Any club members attend the game? Any stories to share if you attended?

  • Board members, we will have a meeting at 12 Noon on Tuesday, January 13 in UC 069. This meeting room is also located in the lower level of the UC. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.
  • Tuesday, January 20th will be a Youth of the Month meeting. We’ll meet in our usual location, UC 259A. Lunch will be catered that day, $7 per club member.
  • Wednesday, January 28 will be our evening meeting for the month. 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant.
  • I would appreciate any help lining up speakers for our January 20 and 28 meetings and the February 3, 17 & 24 meetings. I have a list of ideas for consideration along with any ideas you may have for speakers/topics. Your help in making one or two phone calls to secure speakers will be greatly appreciated by all.
  • Please note the information I sent out last week regarding Trivia Night on Feb. 20. Please help spread the word about the event, and to feel free to form a team.
    • Also, we are still looking for more helpers from 6:30pm – 10:00pm that evening. Please let me know if you are able to help out for even a portion of the evening.
    • A reminder also that I would appreciate any assistance to line up speakers for our January and February

That’s all for now.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 15

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Warm Greetings, Optimists,

Hope all of you had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Holiday Season.

Here are this week’s updates:

  • Our meeting tomorrow, January 6th, will be held in UC 068. This meeting room is on the lower level  of the UC, where we had lunch the day the World Drummers from LINCS performed for us. This will be a “bring your own lunch” meeting.
  • Our speaker for January 6th will be our own Kim Adams speaking about the February 20th Trivia Night event.
  • Board members, we will have a meeting at 12 Noon on Tuesday, January 13 in UC 069. This meeting room is also located in the lower level of the UC. I know a couple of you can’t make it, but hopefully you can still give input outside of the meeting.
  • Tuesday, January 20th will be a Youth of the Month meeting. We’ll meet in our usual location, UC 259A. Lunch will be catered that day, $7 per club member.
  • Wednesday, January 28 will be our evening meeting for the month. 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant.
  • I would appreciate any help lining up speakers for our January 20 and 28 meetings and the February 3, 17 & 24 meetings. I have a list of ideas for consideration along with any ideas you may have for speakers/topics.

That’s all for the moment.


Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 11

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Greetings Optimists,

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped in anyway with this past Saturday’s “Breakfast with Santa.” Carol Miller reported at the club board meeting today, that 718 people were served, a new record. The board members took a little time at today’s meeting to share stories from the event. I would encourage all of you who helped to look back for any special moments from Friday or Saturday, write them down and share them with us. I would like to share you stories about the day on our web site and Facebook page.

Our board meeting covered the proposed budget for this year and a review of Breakfast with Santa. I’ll share more at our monthly Wednesday evening meeting, December 10th.

Speaking of our monthly evening meeting, it will be Wednesday, December 10 at 5pm at Jessica’s Restaurant. We will have speaker, Reggie Hayes from Milwaukee, speaking about a program titled the “The Inner City Sportsmens Club” that introduces inner city children to outdoor recreation.

Our Wednesday evening will also be your chance to contribute a toy to this years “Toys for Kids” program. Presents for very young children and 13-15 year old are always very useful.

Speaking of the annual Toys for Kids project, this year we will be wrapping up the event Monday, December 15th at 5pm at the downtown Armory located on North Street.  Please join us for the wrapping and sorting of the toys to get them ready for the distribution by the Whitewater Food Pantry. Pizza and soda will be provided by the club for all those helping. Helpers are also needed at 1pm for toy/gift pickups. If you can help at that time, contact Duane Dickens and plan to meet him at the downtown Armory.

Our Tuesday, December 16 meeting will be at 12 Noon at UW-W in the University Center. It will be Youth of the Month with catered lunch. Lunch cost is $7.00 per person. We hope to have representatives of the Whitewater Unified School District to receive the mittens and hats collected for our “Mitten Tree” program.

That’s all for tonight. Hope to see many of you at the evening meeting tomorrow (or today, depending upon when you read this).


Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 10

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Greetings Everyone,

Hope you’re staying warm today! I see that Saturday’s forecast is “Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid-30s and lows in the upper 20s.” Should be an ok day for Breakfast with Santa, ticket taking at the Warhawk football playoff game in the early afternoon, and the UW-W Gala Holiday Concert in the evening.

We will be meeting tomorrow, December 2, at 12 Noon, in the University Center, room 259A. It will be a “bring your own lunch” meeting day. While you are enjoying lunch, our two interns for the fall semester, Alix Thornton and Amanda Kuspa, will be our presenters about their internship with the club and all that they did on our behalf. After Alix and Amanda are done, we’ll use the rest of the hour to stuff the goody bags for Breakfast with Santa. Mills dropped off the boxes of goodies in my office today. Come and help us out tomorrow.

I’ve attached the latest Breakfast with Santa helper signup sheet. Please review it. If you haven’t already signed up to help, please consider it. There are still a number of areas that could use more helpers. Decorations and equipment moving begin at 11:30 am on Friday, December 5 and decorating in Esker begins at 1:00 pm.

Our Warhawk Football Team continues to have success, so we will indeed need those football ticket takers who signed up for this Saturday, as well.  Kickoff against #5 ranked Wartburg College (my undergraduate alma mater) will be at 12:00 pm.

Next week there will be a Board meeting at 12 Noon on December 10. Our monthly evening meeting will also be December 10 at 5:00 pm at Jessica’s Restaurant. We had a great turnout at the November evening meeting and hope to see many of you on the 10th.

Monday, December 15 will be our annual “Toys for Kids” work evening. There will be more information to share with you this week.

Tuesday, December 16 will be our “Youth of the Month” lunch at 12 Noon, on campus in the University Center. Lunch will be catered and cost will be $7 per club member. Also, please bring mittens, gloves, hats, and/or scarves to this meeting as these items with be presented to school officials for our local children.

Share the Optimism,

Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749

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