Trivia Night 2017, Update!

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Join us for our 4th Annual Trivia Night, co-sponsored with the UW-W Student Optimist Club to be held Friday, February 17, 2016. There is only room for 30 teams so don’t delay.

Information Flyer.

Team Registration Form.

Information about sponsorship, silent auction donations and more will be made available from this page. See the links to the right under the heading “Helpful Links.”

Optimist, Week 14

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Greetings, Optimists,

Thank you to those who served as judges for the Academic Decathlon this past Friday.

Our first Club meeting of 2017 will be on Tuesday, January 17 (the first day of classes at the University).  Our guest speaker will be Artanya Wesley (our new Dean of Students at UW-W).  We hope we can have a good turnout at the meeting to greet and learn about Artanya.  We will continue into the new year with a catered meal.

Please watch for a brief survey regarding meetings to be sent out by our intern Brandon in the next week.

Thanks and stay safe on our slick streets and sidewalks.

Of course, we encourage you to “just keep smiling!”

Kim & Angie 🙂

Optimist, Week 13

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Happy New Year, Optimists!

We hope you have had happy and healthy holidays!

On Tuesday, January 10 at noon in UC 268 will be our next Board meeting.  There will be no Club meeting.

Our first Club meeting of 2017 will be on Tuesday, January 17 (the first day of classes at the University).  Our guest speaker will be Artanya Wesley (our new Dean of Students at UW-W).  We hope we can have a good turnout at the meeting to greet and learn about Artanya.  We will continue into the new year with a catered meal.

Thanks and. . . just keep smilin’ in 2017!

Kim & Angie 🙂

Optimist, Week 12

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Greetings for the New Week, Optimists!

 Thank you for your support of our December programs, to date.

 Tuesday, we will meet at Noon in UC 259A for Youth of the Month, honoring our high school students.  Ryan Callahan from Continuing Education will also be our guest speaker.

There is no scheduled meeting on December 28.  The board also agreed there will no longer be a meeting on January 3.  Enjoy the two weeks off from meetings and programs! 

The board also discussed two items related to our regular Optimist meetings.  One, there was discussion about the continuation of catered lunches.  We are not always meeting our quota of 15–therefore needing to tap into the Club budget to cover on meals where we are short.  Two, there was discussion about potentially changing (or rotating) the day of the week we meet (as well as the time).  Our intern Brandon will be creating a survey related to these topics in order for you to provide your feedback.  When you see it in your email, please complete it and return it promptly.  Thanks, in advance for your investment of time.

Thanks again to our interns–Rachel and Brandon for a great semester!

Remember . . . just keep smilin’!

We wish you a happy and safe holiday season,

Kim & Angie

Optimist, Week 11

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Greetings, Optimists,

It definitely looks like a winter wonderland out there!  That means it’s a perfect time for our Mitten Tree Project  and “Gifts With A Meaning!”  Please join us for a fun-filled meeting for both of these projects this Tuesday, December 13 in UC 259A.  We encourage you to bring a guest to join in the fun.  Mittens, gloves, hats, scarves, socks and children’s underwear are still needed.  These items will be donated to the representatives from the Whitewater Unified School District on Tuesday.  You are encouraged to also bring a gift that represents you.  Brenda O’Beirne  will facilitate our guessing activity.  The gifts will then be donated to our toy wrapping project for the Whitewater Food Pantry.

Our next Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 14 at Second Salem in Whitewater from 5pm – 6pm.  

We will hold our last meeting of the semester on Tuesday, December 20–featuring “Youths of the Month” from the high school.  In addition, Ryan Callahan (from Continuing Education) will be our guest speaker.

We will not have a meeting on Tuesday, December 27.  Take time to enjoy the holidays, family and friends!​  Our meeting on Tuesday, January 3 will be held in UC 69.  We will not be having a catered meal for this meeting.

That brings us to Friday, January 6 with the opportunity to help with judging the Academic Decathlon on campus.  Therese has put out a request asking for folks to serve as judges.  Please see the email she sent last week–or reply to if you are able to volunteer.

That’s a wrap for now. 


Just Keep Smiling,

Kim and Angie 🙂

Trivia Night 2017

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Join us for our 4th Annual Trivia Night, co-sponsored with the UW-W Student Optimist Club to be held Friday, February 17, 2016.

Information about sponsorship, silent auction donations and more will be made available from this page. See the links to the right under the heading “Helpful Links.”

Optimist, Week 10

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Good Evening, Optimists,

Wow–what a successful Breakfast with Santa event!   Angie and I do not know where to begin with our thanks!  Please accept our heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped to plan, arrange and order items, manage the sign up sheet, promote, decorate, cook, staff, play Santa–Mrs. Claus–Frosty–or an elf, pay for items, and clean up for the event, as well as other tasks in-between!  It was great to see so many folks (including children of members, UW-W Student Optimists, and Octagon Optimists) helping to ensure that the event was a success.  The parade helpers (Student Optimists, Intern Brandon and Frosty) are greatly appreciated, as well.

I know we lost a number of our workers by the time we got around to taking the group photo–but it’s still an impressive group.  We will post more photos on the Web site this coming week.  Our numbers included serving 760 guests for the breakfast.  My best guess is that we took nearly 2000 photos (including candids and 2-4 photos per family– depending on their situation).  We were also about 8-10 goodie bags short for our last few Santa seekers.  I will share some photos and other updates at our meeting on Tuesday.

Thank you to those who scooted over to Perkins Stadium to take tickets for the Warhawks’ football playoff game.  It was disappointing for the Warhawks to not come out on top again, but we are grateful for a successful season.  It was a fun run for our Hawks in 2016!

Please note these additional tidbits:

1)  Dues were due by December 1.  Some members still need to pay for the quarter or year.  Our Club’s budget is counting on folks to pay soon in order to balance our budget and to carry out the many activities for youth in our community.  Please connect with Kate or Ken for paying dues–and THANK YOU!  We will review our progress at our next Board meeting.

2)  Caroling at Fairhaven is scheduled for Friday, December 9.  Please email Kim if you are planning to be a part of spreading holiday cheer.  We will meet in the lobby of Fairhave at 4:15pm to begin warming up our voices!  We will be done caroling by 6:00pm.

3)  “Gifts with a meaning” and the mitten tree will take place at our noon meeting on December 13.  You are encouraged to bring hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, children’s underwear or socks for the mitten tree presentation.  You are also invited to bring a gift that represents you–your interests or hobbies (e.g. music, sports, playing games, books, gardening, animals, etc.).  Participating members will guess who brought which gift.  We then bag up the gifts and they will be contributed to the toy wrapping activity for the Whitewater Food Pantry on December 19.

4)  Our next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14 from 5:00pm – 6:00pm at Second Salem.  Board members, please let us know if you can not attend this meeting.

5)  Our last meeting of the semester will be December 20​.  Our next meeting (in the New Year) will be Tuesday, January 3 at noon in UC 69.  There will not be a catered meal for this meeting.

That’s it for now.  Hope to see many of you this week!

Just Keep Smiling,

Kim and Angie 🙂

Optimist, Week 9

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Hello Optimists,

We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving weekend.

Please note the following 10 important notes regarding our Club and activities.

1)  Thank you to our ticket takers yesterday.  Thanks to Dick Winz who was staffing the visitor gate (and didn’t make the photo).  While it was still cool and breezy, it was a step up from the previous week.  And, of course, it was a great win for the Warhawks!  

2)  Tuesday, Nov. 29 we will stuff goodie bags for Breakfast with Santa (BWS) at 12:00pm in UC 259A.  Also, our interns will be giving a brief presentation about their highlights from the semester.

3)  Please consult the BWS list that Lanora is coordinating.  Together, let’s make sure all of the slots are filled.  Email reminders will go out  this week from Lanora.  We are grateful that James Lanouette will be serving as Santa at BWS.

4)  The Student Optimists and Frosty will be in the parade on Friday to help promote BWS.  Many flyers and candy will be distributed.

5)  Decorating at Esker for BWS will take place this Friday.  Thank you to Kate, Duane, Jan, and Wes for getting things started at 11:30am.  Many hands make light work.  If you can show up for even an hour to help decorate on Friday, that would be helpful.

6)  BWS will run from 8:00am – 11:00am on Dec. 3.  Workers should note the necessary time times for various positions.  I have sent out several press releases to local newspapers.  The story about the event is on the Whitewater Banner, dated Nov. 25.

7  Frank will be following up with folks about ticket taking for the Warhawk’s next playoff game–which will be on Saturday at 12:00pm.    A few ticket takers will be needed by 10:00am.

8)  Dues are due by December 1.  Several members still need to pay for the quarter or year.  Our Club’s budget is counting on folks to pay dues on time in order for us to balance our budget and to carry out the many activities for youth in our community.  Please connect with Kate or Ken for paying dues–and THANK YOU!

9)  “Gifts with a meaning” and the mitten tree will take place at our noon meeting on December 13.  For new members, this meeting is a fun way for members to learn more about each other.  You are encouraged to bring a gift that represents you–your interests or hobbies (music, sports, playing games, books, gardening, animals, etc.).  Participating members guess who brought in which gift.  We then bag up the gifts and they are contributed to the toy wrapping activity for the Whitewater Food Pantry on December 19.

10)  Our next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14 from 5:00pm – 6:00pm at Second Salem.  Board members, please let us know if you can not attend this meeting.


That’s it for now.  Hope to see many of you this week!

Just Keep Smiling,

Kim and Angie 🙂

Optimist Ticket Takers

Optimist Club ticket takers at UW-W football playoff game, November 26, 2016

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