Optimist Club 2015-16, week of May 9, 2016
May 16, 2016 4:54 pm UncategorizedGreetings Optimists,
A Call for 2016-17 Club Officers. It’s time to create the slate of officers for 2016-17. I have received word from two club members they would be willing/able to be on the board as an officer or general board member next year, depending upon what time of day the monthly board meetings are held. I also want to let everyone know that I WILL continue on the board as past-president and will be more than willing to assist with weekly emails, web site updates and Facebook postings. So…what would YOU like to do next year to contribute? Perhaps one that you’ve not held in the past? Please begin volunteering to be an officer for 2016-17. Contact me or Kim Adams if you’re willing to be an officer for next year. “Many hands make light work.”
We have received twelve applications and payments for the Rummage Sale through the online signup form! Jan Olson is keeping track of the paper applications for the rummage sale. As of this afternoon we have 29 applications. If you speak to any friends or neighbors about the rummage sale, let them know they can find a link to the paper form at our web site. They will also find the link at the web site for the online form and payment.
This next week’s meeting will be Tuesday, May 17, at 12 Noon in UC 259. This is a Youth of the Month meeting. Our speaker will be Dr. Glenn Hayes. Hope to see many of you there.
Our May Board meeting was this past Tuesday, May 10. At the meeting we approved the minutes from the March and April 2016, board meetings. I’ve posted those minutes on our web site for your review.
NFL “FUND CRAZR” RAFFLE TICKETS HAVE ARRIVED!! I received the pack of 100 tickets this past Tuesday and have already sold 6. All sold ticket stubs and unsold tickets must be returned to the SWIS District before August 28.
Other upcoming events to beginning planning for:
After the City-wide Rummage Sale, the next event is the Fishing Derby on Saturday, June 4. Al Hutchinson has volunteered to chair/organize the event. We’ll need press releases, prizes, 6-8 helpers for that morning, and maybe even grill masters for a simple hotdog cookout for the kids who show up.
Gyro Stand. Teshona Bennett has indicated she’ll help organize the Gyro Stand again. We’ll need someone with a truck-type vehicle and trailer hitch to volunteer to bring the trailer from Jim McLernon’s place to Whitewater for cleaning and setup the week before the event.
Jefferson County Fair Ticket selling/taking. I’ll help Lou Zahn organize the ticket sellers for the Jefferson County Fair.
Our new club email account is: whitewater.optimist.club@gmail.com.
Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:
- Tuesday, May 17, Regular club meeting. Youth of Month presentation. Our speaker will be Dr. Glenn Hayes, Director of the Warhawk Marching Band and UW-W Symphonic Wind Ensemble .
- Saturday, May 21, City-wide rummage sale.
- Tuesday, May 24, Regular club evening meeting, 5pm, Jessica’s Restaurant. Amy Edmonds, UW-W Athletic Director.
- Tuesday, May 31 (5th Tuesday of the month). No meeting this day/week.
- Saturday, June 4, Fishing Derby
- Friday-Monday, July 1-4, 2016, Gyro Stand at Whitewater 4th of July Celebration.
- Wednesday, July 6, Jefferson County Fair ticket selling/taking.
- Tuesday, July 12, Executive Board meeting, 12 Noon.
- Tuesday, July 19, Regular club meeting.
That’s all for tonight.
Share the Optimism,
Dave Halbach
UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club
920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749