Optimist Club 2014-15, Week 21
February 23, 2015 5:55 pm UncategorizedGreetings Everyone,
After being very busy two weeks ago and out of state for a conference last week, I’m back and ready to get caught up on most/all things Optimist.
- A “shout-out” to club member Jim McLernon!!! Jim organized a “Super Bowl Squares” event for “The Big Game” this past February 1 and was able to make a $100 donation to the club at our Tuesday, February 3 meeting.
- Tuesday, February 17 (tomorrow) we’ll meet at 12 Noon in UC 259A for our Youth of the Month meeting. Lunch will be catered and cost is $7.00 each.
- Our speaker for tomorrow, February 17, will be Jan Bilgen, Associate Director, UW-W Career and Leadership Development. Jan will be speaking about the value of joining student organizations, how to find out about student organizations, general categories of student organizations at UWW, and (if time permits) basic overview of career development and those related services from C&LD.
- Friday, February 20 is the second annual Trivia Night. We presently have 23 paid teams for the evening with the possibility of one more team. Helpers are still needed for setup and cleanup on the 20th. The team putting this together has been outstanding! Further updates will be provided at our Tuesday meeting.
- Speaker for upcoming meetings are:
- Wednesday, February 25 – no speaker yet
- Tuesday, March 3, UW-W photographer Craig Schreiner
- Tuesday, March 17, UW-W Provost, Dr. Beverly Kopper
- Tuesday, March 31, Tom Grosinske, Washington Elementary School Principal and new Whitewater High School football coach
- Tuesday, April 7, Kat Shanahan, UC Promotions Coordinator
- Tuesday, April 21, Deb Weberpal, Senior Coordinator for the Seniors in the Park program in Whitewater.
- Wednesday, April 29, – no speaker yet
- Tuesday, May 5, – no speaker yet
- Tuesday, May 19, Tami McCullough, UW-W Campus Facilities Planner.
- Wednesday, May 27, – no speaker yet
- Other dates coming up for club events include:
- Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 4 at the Whitewater Middle School, pending approval from the school district.
- City-Wide Rummage Sale, Saturday, May 16. (The one and only planning meeting will be Thursday, February 19.)
- Gyro Stand at Whitewater 4th of July Celebration, July 2-4, 2015 (based on calendar but still to be confirmed)
- Jefferson County Fair ticket selling, Wednesday, July 8.
Share the Optimism,
Dave Halbach
UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club
920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749