Optimist, Week 16
January 23, 2017 5:14 pm UncategorizedGood Evening, Optimists,
Here are just a few Optimist tidbits for the coming week:
1) This Tuesday’s meeting will be held at Jessica’s Restaurant, starting at 5pm. Marie Koch (Chamber Director) will be our guest speaker. We will also chat about Trivia Night, the Easter Egg Hunt, and the Gyro Stand. We hope you can join us.
2) We will also have a meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 31 at 12:00pm in UC 259B (next to where we usually meet). This was not originally on our calendars. Dave is waiting for a confirmation on our guest speaker. Catering will be provided, and we will recognize Youths of the Month from the Middle School.
3) Lanora has sent out the sign up list for Trivia Night. We are three weeks away from hosting the event. There are many slots that need to be filled yet. Please check your schedules and sign up if at all possible. Our goal is to raise $11,000. We need many hands to help make this happen. We could also use help with food contributions for the volunteer room at Trivia Night, gift cards and other items for the silent auction, and extra clothes baskets/wicker baskets for the silent auction. Please contact Kim if you are able to assist. Jan has sent out a note to team captains for Trivia Night. We welcome your assistance in helping to recruit teams for the event.
4) We will be organizing the Optimist Storage Room on Tuesday, Jan. 31 from 4:30pm – 6:00pm in Starin Hall. If you are able to help out, please contact Kim (we will need to let people into the hallway area).
5) Please remember to complete the Optimist meeting survey that Brandon Lindhom sent out this past Tuesday. It takes less than a minute to complete. Your feedback is important to us.
We are grateful for your Optimism! As always– “just keep smiling!”
Kim & Angie 🙂