2016 Whitewater City-wide Rummage Sale
April 22, 2016 Uncategorized No CommentsThe University of Wisconsin-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club, will be hosting their final City-Wide Rummage Sale on Saturday, May 21, 2016. Registrations are now being accepted. All proceeds from this event help fund activities to support youth programs throughout the year. Last year saw more than 40 families benefit by having their rummage sale on the same day. More sales draw more people and that means more items you don’t have to store anymore!
The cost to participants will be $10 per household, which guarantees each seller a spot on the master rummage sale list, a sign for their yard, and a brief, 10-word description of the most attractive items available for sale. This is a community service project offered by the UW-W/Community Optimist Club and we appreciate persons registering with us, as the very reasonable registration fee gives them better publicity at a cost savings over running a separate ad. Funds raised cover the costs for the project and any money in excess of costs goes to fund other youth service projects throughout the year.
You may register for the event using either:
- The “2016 City-wide Rummage Sale Online Application” and submitting the $10 payment via PayPal. You do not have to have a PayPal account to use this option.
- Or use the “2016 City-wide Rummage Sale paper Application.” Complete the paper form and return with the $10.00 check to: J. Olson, 651 Darcy Lane, Whitewater, WI 53190 no later than May 13.
You can also pick up a registration form at the Irving L. Young Library; the Sweet Spot Coffee Shop, 226 W. Whitewater St; the Sweet Spot Coffee Shoppe and Bakehouse, 1185 W. Main; and Eastsider and Westsider Citgo Stations.
Persons who wish to extend their sale either by starting on Thursday, May 19 and/or through Sunday, May 22nd, should indicate that on their registration form. There is no additional fee and the extra days are “on your own.” Two and three-day sales will be highlighted on the locator list with an asterisk.
The final deadline for rummage sale registration is May 13. This guarantees participants a spot on the rummage sale list. Those lists will be available for pick up at the businesses listed above beginning May 19, as well as at the Sweet Spot Coffee Shoppe, 226 Whitewater Street on May 21ST from 7-11am until the lists are gone.
For further information or questions, phone 262-473-2437 between the hours of 2pm to 9pm.