A Tribute to Jim “Mills” Miller…

12:02 pm Uncategorized

It was a sad day for the Whitewater community, UW-Whitewater and the Optimist organization, as we lost one of the greats—Jim “Mills” Miller on March 9.

Mills was a great friend, neighbor, coach, mentor, worker, leader, and especially—A


He was a walking history book of the community, baseball, and of Breakfast with Santa (BWS)—which has been hosted by the UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club since 1992.  Mills served the community as Santa for 20 years at BWS, Optimist caroling at Fairhaven, Whitewater holiday parades, and a few other holiday events.   In fact, he joined the club in October 1992, and two months later was serving as the first BWS Santa.

He was a pillar of the UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club—serving as the sixth president of the club, in several other positions on the board, and chairing numerous project committees over the years.  Mills was recognized as a lifetime member of the club in September 2000.

He always enjoyed the photos taken at Optimist events, and yet was one of the happiest members to see us move from film to digital photography—in order to save on the film budget.

Here is our photo tribute to Mills—who had so many creative answers to “where is your sleigh parked?”

—With sadness and gratitude to an amazing role model,

Kim Adams

Picture of First 6 Presidents, 1996

Picture of First 6 Presidents, 1996

Optimist Group Caroling, 1998

Optimist Group Caroling, 1998

"Santa Mills"

“Santa Mills”

Whitewater High Schools Girls Basketball Team with Santa.

Mills and Carol participating with others at a Club Meeting activity.

Mills and Carol at the stadium naming ceremony.

Mills letting club members know about Breakfast with Santa.

Mills congratulating a Whitewater High School student for being one of the “Youth of the Month.”

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